
20 months of doing much with less

For 20 solid months, this page was muted. A whole lot of people had wondered why I was silent with a lot of things happening in Nigeria and around the world. Around the world; COVID-19 and its adverse consequences refused to go away; the weaponization of the US justice system against former President Trump made America look little; there was the Russia-Ukrainian war, the gruesome murder of Jews by Hamas, the not-too-comfortable alliance among Russia, China, North Korea and Iran and many more.
At home, we had a disputed presidential election, withdrawal of petroleum subsidy that was never in place in the first instance, the government pandering to IMF, the free fall of the Naira, general insecurity, runaway inflation due to Batonomics, too many uncertainties unlike we have seen since the civil war and many more.
This page was muted because I took up political appointment, a privileged opportunity given to me by Mr Governor, Prof. Chukwuma Charles Soludo to do that which I often preached. I remain grateful to him for that singular opportunity to serve in the solution team, a team where there is no space for small dreams.
The offer and acceptance to serve nevertheless came with the challenge of uncertainty of tenure of office as we had to be reconfirmed every other three months, which made long-term planning difficult, yet I was determined to prove that the elephant can dance if we have the courage to make our dysfunctional system work for the happiness of the people.
When I assumed office, I met a council with lots of potentials but a symbol of disrepair. The question was, who governed this desolate space before now?
With Prof Soludo, there was no room for small dreams. Itā€™s either you have capacity for big dreams or you donā€™t. I came into government with the mindset to put the people first; to change the narrative that the law is not a tool for the strong to oppress the weak and largesse of government the preserve of the rich.
To cause these disruptive changes definitely collided with entrenched dark forces, the swamp who believe in the old order. For instance, when I commenced the reconstruction of Nkwo Enugwu Ukwu market and Oyeagu market Abagana with a commitment to return the reconstructed shops back to the original owners at no cost, the people could not believe me because they no longer trust the ability of government to either protect them or provide for them. Given the level of deceptions, deceits and hardships they had suffered in the hands of previous governments and their evil servants, I do not blame them
Many politicians that come during the election season come with lots of promises; they talk of how great things can be if elected; how they will make fine policies that will make things rosier, and how they will put the people first. But once elected, they not only run away from their promises and responsibilities, they make everyone victims of their bad and failed policies.
With the above, they dampen the peopleā€™s optimism and thus the take-over by those with deep sense of entitlement who want you to share out the resources to them as symbol of homage and recognition- Africa has always been like this. At some point, I also felt I was crazy running against the tide by attempting to change peopleā€™s perception of government. I was often reminded that government must remain a mystery to the governed because no matter what you do for the people they will always categorize you as part of ā€œthemā€, and by ā€˜themā€™ I mean the ruling class of oppressors and looters. They are not absolutely wrong given their past experiences.
With the knowledge that I cannot resolve all of the peopleā€™s problems at one time and at a short period, I tried to do my level best. Not only did I cater for the weak and old, I operated the Solution Kitchen- a food bank that hosted and fed an average of 1000 vulnerable mouths with free breakfast and lunch every Tuesday and Thursday at no cost to the government. These twin programmes ran and survived on charity and volunteerism.
I also witnessed the power of the swamp to make the masses love those that hate them and hate those who love them with their orchestrated dangerous rhetoric, wanton biased, compromised, prostituted and un-survivable pile of propaganda, all designed to put all public officers in the same tea cup, forgetting that in every industry there is the good, the bad and the ugly. I chose to remain resolute in the protection of my integrity in exchange for their attacks. My point is that integrity is a personal decision. Leadership integrity is a decision for any leader to make. I didnā€™t lobby to be appointed a transition chairman. I didnā€™t pay bribe to get the position. I therefore have nothing to recoup other than work for the happiness of the people.
Yes, things are bad and the system is frustrating, but what do we do to turn things around? Every single challenge that we face has a solution. What are the solutions to our myriads of problems? Some solutions are not that complex and also not as simple as they may seem. The truth is that nothing is new under the sun. You either imitate or deface the original or as a good poet welds your theft of ideas into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different from that which it is torn.
As a political writer and critic, I accepted to serve in government with some hesitation because I am for the democratization of the local government system. I was concerned about losing my freedom of expression and licence to publicly criticise government, not so much because of the fabled table manner theory which demand that you do not talk while eating, but because no matter how much I distance myself, I am now one of them.
Since I had access to government, it was only proper that I no longer give my advice from my media pulpit. Fortunately, I served under a principal with an open mind. I have nothing but respect and respect for our amiable governor. He is a teacher and a leader. Every single mistake made had a teachable lesson. He has a clear thought, clear head and clear focus. His is a government with defined destination.
Our team did much with less by being innovative. Our Private Partnership Participation saw to the construction of over 15kms of roads across the local government area. In Enugwu Agidi we pushed for the ongoing reconstruction of the Amawbia, Trans Obibia Enugwu Agidi -Nawgu road by the state government. The local government working with the Enugwu Agidi Stake Holders Forum reconstructed a six-room security outpost fully equipped with security men, equipment and vehicles to cover, protect and secure Abba and Enugwu Agidi hitherto neglected. The fencing of the health centre in Achala village Enugwu Agidi was awarded and work ongoing. The fencing of Uruagu Enugwu Ukwu Health Centre was completed. The Solution Leisure Play Ground for children was delivered. The council also installed about 100 hybrid solar street lights in Nawfia and Abagana. For over 40 years the council was a thoroughfare for the people of Ofeozalla Umudunu Abagana. We ended that episode by creating alternative access road for the community, thereby securing the secretariat. In Nimo we installed the first motorized solar powered water borehole at Ajanze to make potable water available for the people. We completed a detailed study for the reconstruction of Oye Nimo. My biggest joy in Nimo was being able to restore peace, law and order. I thank all those who wholeheartedly accepted the peace process and trusted in my leadership and mediation.
Our reorganisation of Nkwo Enugwu- Ukwu and Oyeagu, Abagana markets are legacy projects that speak volumes. We didnā€™t just build infrastructure, we built prosperity and for the future. We also conquered waste with our well-articulated waste management model,
Our march towards a brighter future for the good people of Njikoka may have been interrupted and delayed, but we shall be back and nothing will stop us because the undiluted and unadulterated voice of the people will soon be heard. Njikoka will tell its own story!

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