From Tony Osauzo, Benin
AN Ogbesan Chief Magistrate Court, Benin, has remanded a 41-year-old Prophet, Benjamin Bernard, in prison custody for allegedly defiling his seven-year-old daughter.
The Prophet said to be one of the presiding pastors of a Penticostal Church on Constain Road, New Benin, Benin City, allegedly committed the act of incest against his third daughter on January 26, 2016.
When the charge was read to him, Benjamin pleaded not guilty to the offence.
Led in evidence by the prosecuting Counsel from the state Ministry of Justice, Kenneth Ugiagbe, the victim told the court that after committing the act, her father used a white handkerchief to clean her private part and threatened to kill her if she mentioned it to anyone else.
Further hearing in the matter was adjourned to March 16, 2016 by the trial Chief Magistrate, Mrs Taiye Omoruyi.