
How chiefs lead kings astray for pecuniary gain – Oluwo of Iwo

By John Ogunsemore

The Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrosheed Adewale Akanbi has said that many chiefs are prepared to mislead the king if it will hasten his death.

Oba Akanbi maintained that many chiefs in the court do not wish the monarch well.

The Osun State-based monarch explained this in an interview with The Punch.

He said, “Let me tell you, it’s many of these chiefs and kingmakers in Yoruba land who have created problems for kings.

“Do you know that not all chiefs are friends of the king?

“These chiefs cannot become kings, so they want different kings to sit on the throne almost every day.

“Some kingmakers want kings to die early to make money from installing another king.

“They only make money during the enthronement and installation of kings, so it is in their interest for kings to die prematurely, allowing them to install as many kings as possible.

“With this mentality, they are ready to lead kings astray.”

Oba Akanbi called for the empowerment of traditional rulers to combat crime in society.

He said, “The traditional rulers in this country have a significant role to play, but they lack recognition.

“There should be no hiding place for criminals if traditional rulers are fully empowered. Crimes in any area would be known to the local monarch, whether the criminals were the monarch’s children, chiefs’ children, or strangers.

“However, these criminals cannot be traced or known if the government does not fund the traditional institutions.

“There are instruments needed to achieve this, but they are not provided. The kings do not have autonomy, so they are toothless.

“Traditional institutions have been degraded because politicians do not appreciate kingship.

“They do not like us because they do not belong to royal families.

“If they understood the importance of kingship, they would recognise that it is the institution that should be empowered the most.”

Meanwhile, Oba Akanbi said kings worshipping idols are insulting Almighty God.

He reiterated that kings are not meant to worship idols who are lesser beings than God.

He said, “This universe is God’s company, and He makes kings like executive officers, so they have to pay allegiance back to Him, not idols.

“Kings have no business worshipping idols or deities.”

Oba Akanbi stated, “Every king must and should be the representative of God Almighty. All kings are to be heirs of ‘Olodumare’. If kings acknowledge that God gives them the thrones to sit on, it becomes their duty to bring people closer to God, not to idols.

“Kings must pay one hundred per cent allegiance to God, not ninety-nine per cent.

“All the troubles happening in Yoruba land at the moment are because the kings have chosen other masters for themselves, other than God.

“They do not have total allegiance to their Creator. That is why kings are not respected. No history shows that kings began worshipping idols.”

According to him, Yoruba people cannot be described as Christians, Muslims, or idol worshippers, but by their culture, which includes language, greetings, dress, music, and dancing.

“As a first-class paramount ruler, with 35 kings under me, I know the right things and am trying to enlighten other kings,” the monarch said.

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