“Dear Prof, thank God for what he is using you to do. God has shown me that he is great forever. I was poisoned by my step-mother some months ago, she also lucked my business that I do not make any kobo from week to week. She even boasted that I will beg for food. When I read other peoples testimony in your column, I decided to order for the oil, to my surprise, my step mother confessed and asked for forgiveness, I have forgiven her because after I used the oil I vomited a strange substance. I am completely healed now. My business is moving on very well too, I make serious sales now. God has changed my life through the use of your oil. Be blessed. Mr. David Agu. [email protected]

“Dear brother Uzorma, I have read many of your books including some articles that are very political, religious and deep philosophical in nature; they are sources of profound inspiration to humanity.  I was having serious spiritual attacks in my life to the extent that anything I touched “died.” This continued in my life at a point I was thinking of committing suicide because I was living with poverty, it was at this point that i contacted you. What you asked me to do was like a camel going through the eye of the needle. Thank God for the show of love and mercy you extended to me by the gift of your oil. I did the prayer for the change of my destiny as you directed. I followed your instructions strictly and consequently got the answer to my request. Sincerely, I noticed a changed and transformed destiny in my life. I also thank God for answering me and changing situations around me. God bless you my Prof”. Mr. Gilbert Alero.   

In Nigeria today, as it is in most parts of the world, so many financial institutions/homes, banks, big finance companies, sales firms, manufacturers, etc do make use of graphologists and physiognomists to access the inner and outer quality of their prospective employees.

“Multitudes including businessmen, government and religious leaders, beset with problems, fearful and confused because of the present state of the world, and concerned about the future, are seeking help and information from fortunetellers and spiritualist mediums. Countless others have been subjected to the influences and deceptions of spiritualism, assuming everything supernatural is of God, and mistaking the power of darkness for the power of God.

The gullible are naively falling victim to the fallacious reasoning that since God can heal and perform miracles, then, every case of healing and everything that passes for a miracle must be from God. Since God has spoken through men by prophesy and revelation, then everyone who claims to have prophesy or revelation from God must be accepted as a prophet and seer”.

As a result of the above, psychic mediums and great clairvoyants are finding increasing acceptance from every quarter by the multitudes who are clamoring for their help and guidance through the operation of their alleged “gift of God”.

Related News

Few weeks ago, a young Christian convert shared a very pathetic story and experience with me. He narrated how a “Man of God” he visited asked him to sow his phone as seed of faith, when he did, the man of God opened a particular bucket and dropped the phone inside it, according to the young man he saw to his astonishment more than 200 smart phones which people sowed as seed of faith that same day which the man of God in turn sales to phone dealers and make his money. The young man continued that what amazed him was the time the man of God laid his hands on him to pray for him. He instructed him to open his mouth which he did and the man of God spit saliva into his mouth and consequently urged him to swallow it which he did in turn; having been told that that is one of the ways anointing could be transmitted. What an abomination!

It could interest the reader to know that after the man of God spit into the mouth of the young Christian brother as means of solving his problems, a demonic object was introduced into his body, “since then, mighty snakes have not ceased kissing me in my dreams. I now live in total fear of not knowing what to do… I sometimes see snakes physically in my bedroom…” the young boy inferred.

The above story is exactly what I am talking about. How could someone who claims to be a man of God spit into someone else’s mouth to solve his problem after collecting his phone? We are presently living in a very crucial time though the delusion is not new because we are already in the last days where many are involved in one form of magical cum superstitious exercises in order to be healed or helped in one way or the other. Recently, I saw a video on social media where a self acclaimed man of God was sucking the breast of a young girl in the church as a means of casting out demons from her. Isn’t this madness? What’s going on today in some modern churches justifies the fact that Satanism has finally taken sit in some churches.

Yes, in these times of uncertainty and unrest-in an era of materialism when even the church has grown skeptical of the validity of supernatural for today, many are turning to the delusions of spiritism and spiritualism. Occultism and the black arts in general are experiencing phenomenal revival of interest, influencing more people today than ever. One leading university in America because of the great interest in the occult, few years ago offered among its courses of study one entitled, “Witch-craft, Magic and Sorcery”.

In some demonic organizations of today that are seen as Christian churches they make use of occult materials to advance wickedness in the name of God. Palmistry is also practiced in the name of God. False prophets are arising who give accurate predictions concerning historical events thereby deceiving many. Today we have many prophets that can see clearly with the help of satanic powers but cannot solve any problem. It is amazing that some prophets could call one’s telephone numbers correctly, give details of one’s history, some go to the extent of mentioning account numbers and telling you how much  that is in the account. All these are done to make you trust and believe them. Seducing spirits speaking through false prophets and teaches are leading many astray.

Psychics and occultist who claim their gift is from God are deluding many including some professing Christians and ministers of God, top religious leaders who naively accept everything supernatural as divine, oblivious of the fact that Satan also can perform great signs and wonders have enslaved themselves.

The bible is very clear in all these because Christ during his time met with many false teachers too. Even after his ascension the apostles met with many false teachers, masters, gurus and fake apostles too. But it is a natural law in the realm of the spirit and in the physical world as well that the strong must overcome the weak, the divine has always prevailed against the wicked forces of darkness.

There are people you may encounter in life without knowing that they are endowed with satanic powers to handle many cases.  You may pass them and may ordinarily regard them as mere human beings without knowing that such people are ‘demons’ among men. There could be nothing in them to indicate their ability to harm or to ‘cure’ within the realms of the spirit world. This is so because they may not adore the garb of traditional healer.

There are so many witch doctors whose spiritual powers and modus appears to have transcended ‘time and space’. Some of them are ‘wonderful kids’ in the art of magical healing. Some of them, their youthful look belies their magical supernatural powers. Many of them have done a lot of ‘psychic marvels’ that have given them great recognition in our society and in the realm of darkness.