“I am most grateful to God for creating men like Professor Uzorma. One day, I went through The Sun and I came across the column of this servant of God and what God has done to people through him. When I read it, I immediately contacted him and narrated my problems to him. Before now, the evil men and women made things financially difficult for us in the family. The Professor’s simple advice was for me to order his oil, which I did. The most outstanding problem then was the non-availability of money to conduct burial of my late father who was in the mortuary for over eight months. Evil men and women strongly stood against us…I must say that when I got the oil, I followed his direction, to my surprise, after using the oil, I saw myself giving my father a befitting burial to the amazement of all. Everybody started asking me where I got the money for such huge burial…God answered my prayer to the extent that I was also building a house alongside the burial. All my doors and financial windows were opened at the same time. I return all glory to God…” Mr. Gedion Abraham 08121401935.
“Dear Sir, I got the oil you sent to me when I used it I saw nothing…When I contacted you the second time you redirected me to order another which I delayed because I felt I was duped of my little money so in anger I sent you an angry text but you responded maturely and I blamed myself for acting stupidly. Finally, I ordered it and prayed with it and still saw nothing…My friend, whose suitor left her for over three years, borrowed the oil and prayed and she was surprised that her suitor came back and they got married. Sir, you could recall that when I called you the third time you gave me a mysterious explanation of what went wrong and asked me to see you. When I came and saw you and took the last oil from you, the miracle happened. My marriage became a reality and today, I am happily married to the man that I never expected…You are too much, sir…God keep you for us all.” Glory Nlemeke Email [email protected]
There was a man of God in Ghana who was serious in his faith after he was tried several times by the powers of darkness in which major demonic powers were actively involved in the craft, the man still waxing stronger and stronger in Christ despite the attacks and strong manipulations against him. In fact, one evil agent had to use one of the demons working under the control of Kal in the astral world on one occasion to stop the man of God from going to church one Sunday by using his wife in creating a major problem which led to a serious fight.
NOTE : If you have a wife who fights you from time to time no matter how minor the problem is, and after praying for her, she continues to destroy your person by disrespecting and neglecting you including her responsibilities at home, I do not encourage divorce but if you fail to put her away from your life, you may not be able to fulfill your mission. But does the Bible encourage divorce?
With regard to the issue of polygamy and Christian credo, get a copy of my book entitled Metaphysics of Christian Marriage which offers you the true knowledge of marriage and divorce. Though the book is out of stock now, very soon my readers shall be given a website to order all my books on line. However, the man of God made a lot of effort to bring a big change in the life of his wife, but the woman was not willing to be freed. Any deliverance you force into a person will not last at all because deliverance must be sustained. For somebody to be delivered the willingness must be registered in his or her consciousness. This was the situation of the pastor’s wife. She neglected reading her Bible and never enjoyed listening to Gospel messages. Though she was under demonic manipulation! The man of God faced the greatest temptation of his time. He lost his joy, peace, his house became a wrestling center, the man of God went to God in prayers for some weeks within the period, when he realised that he can no longer continue in this life style, he sent the woman away thus divorce became his final solution. When the woman left, the man of God went to God in prayers for some weeks within the period of his prayers, the forces of darkness fighting him all fled, because he regained his spiritual position and dealt with the demons. But the woman was still under manipulation of the devil thus she remarried to an agent of darkness.
So, there are situations that if the devil sees that you are in future going to be a terror to his kingdom, he will send a woman as a wife to you to destroy or delay God’s purpose in the person’s life; but if you are careful, sober and vigilant, you will overcome. The same thing is applicable to a woman who has a mission on earth. I am speaking from personal experience hitherto gathered from the dark world together with deep counseling experience too. Some men of God are in hell not because they cannot pray or seek the face of God or preach very well, not at all! They are in hell because they are married to ‘devils’ as wives this situation make them endure what they ought to enjoy-May God help us The same situation applies to some good women too. Be informed that this situation is also applicable to women because there are some women that are suffering in the hands of evil men but cannot separate because of children- soul tie. It is warfare!
If you think I am joking with this exposition, be informed that you are deceived. So many people have called me and even sent text messages to my phone asking me to stop publishing things on the evil works of Satan. Those of you who do this, I wish to share this testimony with you. Last week a particular woman who read my article visited me but she never knew that her husband was a strong occultist who has wrecked havoc in his home without the conscious knowledge of the woman. When she came I prayed with her and God opened her eyes over certain things that have happened in her home. She was bamboozled and consequently demanded for the oil that I have always talked about. I gave her the oil and instructed her to anoint her home with it. She did and her husband upon noticing the divine presence of God as a result of the oil became exasperated with the woman. In her words, “Man of God, I anointed my house as you instructed me and my husband said I have destroyed everything that made him a man in this house. He has threatened to deal with me. Please tell me what to do…” I told her what to do and she did it and peace was restored. Dear reader, your case will not be different.
There was a man who was in love with a demonic damsel. Both of them in error fell in profound love to the extent that the man was intending marrying her as a second wife. Each time they made love, the witch girl used the man’s semen in her witchcraft operation.
This however, made the man not to be able to impregnate his legally wedded wife. The woman was going from one hospital to another indeed it wasn’t easy for the poor innocent woman who on the other hand wasn’t aware of what was going on. This witch girlfriend of his was indeed manipulating the man so much that he lost control over his will, all he did was to respond positively to whatever demand the girl made whether he was able to afford it or not. It could interest you to know that this type of manipulation is presently going on in different homes today. The man’s ignorance of the real personality of her girl friend helped the witch damsel in consolidating her manipulation in the man’s life. Note, nothing happens for nothing!
The man was not aware that her girlfriend was the cause of her problems so he kept blaming his wife until both couples went for a medical test and the result was consequently released proving both of them normal and biologically fit for child bearing. Then they asked themselves, what is happening to us? No answer was gotten for both of them were blind and at the same time were used as garden witches by the witch girl. For further information, on a garden witch get my book on “How to identify and overcome witchcraft manipulation.”