
NBA-SBL conference equips practitioners for success

By Johnson Adebowale

Economic downturns can be a brutal test for any profession and the legal field is no exception. Shrinking budgets, tighter competition and a shifting economic landscape can leave lawyers scrambling to maintain their footing.

However, amid the challenges lie opportunities. By adopting a tactical approach, legal practitioners cannot only survive these turbulent times but also emerge stronger and more successful.

These approaches to success were the focus of the recently concluded Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business Law (NBA-SBL) 18th Annual International Business Law Conference, themed “Survive and Thrive.” The three-day event, from June 26 to 28, served as a platform for legal professionals and businesses to navigate the complexities of the economic landscape.

The opening night kicked off with an art exhibition, setting a sophisticated tone for the event. SBL chairman, Dr. Adeoye Adefulu, emphasized the importance of resilience and adaptability in his opening remarks. He stated that: “Survival is not a dirty word. People undermine the importance of survival, especially given the challenges we face as a nation.”

He urged lawyers and legal practitioners to adopt tactical approaches to surviving and thriving in the evolving landscape.

President, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau, a senior advocate of Nigeria, echoed this sentiment, highlighting the need for a proactive approach to navigate challenges and achieve success. He said, “We only survive to thrive,” encouraging attendees to remain purposeful and focused.

Mrs. Jumoke Oduwole urged attendees to leverage recent legal reforms and collaborate with stakeholders to support business growth.

Mr. Ademola Akinrele, the keynote speaker, reflected on the high standards of the legal profession historically and called for unity among practitioners. He encouraged resilience and unity, stating: “The only basis for business reforms is unity. If we show messianic zeal and a sense of togetherness, we will be surprised at the quantum of reform that can be achieved in Nigeria.”

The following days delved deeper into the conference theme. A welcome address by CPC chair, Mr. Ose Okpeku, set the tone for a series of insightful sessions.

The renowned economist, Dr. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, represented by Alhaji Suleiman Barau, stressed the importance of a mindset shift and collaboration between government, businesses, and individuals to foster economic growth, highlighted the importance of cost management in financial planning and encouraged businesses to explore untapped opportunities. Dr. Tayo Aduloju, CEO of the NESG, spoke on the significance of measurable outcomes for organizational success.

The conference featured a range of plenary sessions covering critical topics. Discussions ranged from reviving the Nigerian economy through capital markets to harnessing the potential of the blue economy. Legal luminaries and industry experts shared their knowledge on cultivating prosperity through agriculture, utilizing technology and innovation for survival and growth, and navigating the evolving landscape of legal practice management.

Breakout sessions on the final day provided attendees with even more focused discussions. The sessions tackled crucial issues such as tackling Nigeria’s power deficit with renewable energy, the role of special economic zones in driving infrastructure development, and navigating the legal considerations of cybersecurity and data privacy in the age of artificial intelligence.

A session with past NBA-SBL chairs offered insights into the organisation’s growth and future direction. The conference concluded with a session on mental health and well-being in the legal profession, a timely topic considering the demanding nature of the work.

The 18th Annual NBA-SBL Conference proved to be a resounding success. By providing a platform for knowledge exchange, fostering collaboration and equipping legal practitioners with the tools and strategies needed to navigate challenges, the conference empowered them to not just survive but to thrive in the ever-changing legal and economic landscape.

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