Expert advocateshealthier cooking oil for heart health
By Akachi Atuonwu
An advocate for healthyliving and an esteemed figure in the nutrition and wellness community, Dr.Monisola Adanijo, has advocated the use of a brand that promotes healthiercooking oil alternatives like Golden Terra Oil.
Adanijo has dedicated hercareer to revolutionizing how one perceives and uses cooking oils.
According to her, thejourney into the realm of healthy oils began not just with a desire to market aproduct, but also with a genuine commitment to educate and empower consumers tomake informed choices about their dietary habits.
At the forefront of thismovement is her partnership with Golden Terra Oil, a brand that promoteshealthier cooking oil alternatives, Adanijo’s journey as a health advocate isdeeply personal and professionally driven.
With years of experiencetreating patients with heart conditions, she said she has witnessed first-handthe detrimental effects of poor dietary choices on cardiovascular health.
One of her most engagingposts on social media platforms centred on the significance of reading foodlabels when selecting cooking oils.
Adanijo encouraged all toprioritize oils rich in polyunsaturated fats & low in saturated fats,citing their proven benefits in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing therisk of heart disease.
By translating scientificresearch into actionable advice, she empowers her audience to make informeddecisions in their daily lives.
Her influence reachesbeyond her clinic and online presence as she actively participates in healtheducation workshops, public speaking engagements and contributes medicalwrite-ups to prominent magazines and newspapers.
At her cardiology clinic,Adanijo focuses on preventing heart disease by managing key cardiovascular riskfactors such as hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol and hercomprehensive approach includes both treatment for existing heart conditionsand early detection through heart health screenings.
Chief Marketing Officer,TGI Group remarked, Probal Bhattacharya, “Adanijo’s unwavering passion forheart health shines through her relentless advocacy and educational efforts.Her dedication to empowering the public with knowledge on heart-healthy choicesshowcased through her dynamic social media presence perfectly aligns with ourbrand’s mission.
“By merging expert advicewith practical guidance, she inspires meaningful lifestyle changes that promotelong-term cardiovascular well-being.”