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We are developing other sports beyond football –Minister

The Minister of Youth and Sports Development, Sunday Dare has declared that  his priority is to develop other sports where Nigeria has comparative advantage.

Speaking  to pressmen during a  facility tour of the on going rehabilitation at the  National Stadium, Surulere on Friday, Dare said  “We have seen that football has been able to birth and support other sports. Our focus is beyond football. Yes, we pay attention to football, but we want to develop other sports such as Badminton, Tennis, Boxing, Wrestling, i can go on and on.

“We have in a delibrate way moved resources and the latest which is really exciting is Cricket. The newly appointed  coach for cricket is one of the best in the World. Three days ago, the International Cricket Federation approved Nigeria to host two major tournaments.This is  unprecedented and we think wherever we have talents we are going to support such sports to grow”.

On the achievements of the Basketball teams , he affirmed “Our basketball teams are

really doing well, and more sponsors are gradually coming to identify with our Basketball teams apart from Total owing to the fact that both the Female and Male teams are going well,” Dare concluded

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