2024 was a fantastic year. But, you see 2025? It shall be a year of pure magic. Lines shall fall for us in pleasant places, we shall mount up with wings as Eagles, we shall hear and enjoy only the sounds of abundance.
We shall worry less, if at all, in 2025. Before a need arises, provision for it and others shall have been made. Friends and foes complete with those who never knew us shall become our channels to greatness. In 2025, from start to finish, we shall be like them who dreamt.
Ignore the prophets and prophetesses of doom, all them naysayers. I speak the mind of The One who owns both the heaven and the earth and who can do as He elects. In 2025, you shall enjoy relentless harvest, you shall hear endless good news. Everywhere you turn, you shall be favoured by circumstances and situations and men and women and children.
This year, Christ shall receive an alarming influx. Far more people shall join the Lord’s army, hungry to reach the unreached. Preaching Christ had never seen numbers such as are about to rain into the kingdom. You shan’t have any cogent reason to stay out of what’s about to transpire.
Get prepared, People, it is about to go down. Every person, every situation that threw you under the bus is about to crawl back to you, begging. 2025 is, at once, your year of compensation, your year of freedom, your year of restoration. Believe these, even if you can’t.
Alas, unfortunately, 2025 is also the year of ultimate judgement. If you have always been committing sh-t against people and getting away with it: beware. If you are a careless talker who holds a powerful position, this year is a countdown: be careful. If your pettiness and stinginess have combined to make your very own people beggars and lackeys, your time is running out: be warned
The year of your Waterloo is here. 2025 shall fell many mighty trees. That deceitful humility that goes to and fro devouring people with the kind of arrogance only a few can decode: enough is enough. Physically and spiritually, we who have understanding hereby resist you: in the name of Christ Jesus.
This judgement is not in death, nor after it. 2025 brings you the judgement that lives with you. If you have been wickedly ungrateful and ungratefully wicked, you shall receive double barrel: wicked ingratitude to power two. If you always play like a smart alec, 2025 is here to serve you the judgement and the punishment that only a dullard like you deserves.
2025 is a damn good year because the judgement and punishment it brings shall create room for fresh plants and fresh air. We destroy to construct, right? 2025 is a year of positive energy. Too many pleasant surprises waiting to birth in these 12 months.
However, you need tremendous wisdom to activate 2025 and unpack all the goodies embedded in it. One, this is the year of Christ. Love God via Christ and via man. Don’t just go about mouthing how much you treasure the God of Jesus or the Jesus of God, prove or show it in your worship of Christ as well as in your human relations.
Two, trust no man. Trust all men, trust all women, trust all children. Trust no man means trust only God. Trust all men, all women, all children until they prove themselves untrustworthy.
Three, realise the fact that an alarming majority of those you are angling to die for don’t live for you. Meaning they won’t ever die for you. Most of those you fall and rise to support won’t return the favour now and in future. Support people the way a human being should, not the way God does.
Furthermore, play down on friendship and enmity. Friends today, enemies tomorrow. The bestie you gave all to and confided all in can transmogrify into a worstie, overnight. On the other hand, the so-called worstie could tomorrow come along and transform into your saving grace.
2025 wisdom nugget number 5: to better position to reap the manifold boundless blessings that the year of our Lord 2025 brings, you need to develop capacity and courage. The capacity to be independent, the courage to walk away from some people no matter the power and the money they hold. Walk away from any man, any woman, any boy, any girl, who plays God; walk away from anybody and everybody seeking to enslave or make you to be beggarly. Once you have the unNigerian boldness to say no and walk out, God Himself complete with Christ immediately opens seven new doors.
2025 wisdom nugget number 6: so you don’t devalue the magic year, don’t seek to overreach yourself. Take things one day at a time, one step at a time. No matter the amount of speed, you cannot shift forward your destination. Be careful not to slow yourself and your progress down because you oversped.
2025 Wisdom nuggets numbers 7 and 8 and 9 belong together for obvious reasons. Throughout 2025, beware of fake friends, fake pastors and evil politicians. Listen to them between the lines and no matter the charm and their untold sweetnothings, never allow yourself to be carried away. God did not create or call all pastors and all politicians: so be wise. And, have you ever wondered why God allows the presence of only your enemies (not your friends) when your table of honour has been set up?
While you ruminate on that, let’s go to 2025 wisdom nugget number 10 which is all about learning to look behind intermittently to be sure there’s no more danger. For instance, look behind now at 2025 wisdom nuggets numbers 7 and 8 and 9. Be careful never to fall to a wrong friend or to a wrong pastor or to a wrong politician. The trio can finish you completely, totally: know this and know peace!
The 11th wisdom nugget I wish to share for 2025 is the point I made last Monday in this space, namely, that you eschew anger, especially with yourself. Reduce the frequency and tenacity of anger with others and especially with yourself, no matter the matter. That thing is slow poison, it kills you steadily. Learn the art of laughing off persons and things that annoy you because they really don’t matter and should therefore not be accorded stranglehold powers.
The 12th and last wisdom nugget you need for year 2025 is about how to deal with the evil class of 12. Flee from the following 12 people, even if you can’t: arrogant, bloodthirsty, cowardly, fraudulent, greedy, hot-tempered, petty, toxic, unstable, vicious, wicked, zealless. These are probably the world’s most dangerous people alive, as I see it. They can infect you, they can make you feel guilty permanently, they can convince you that less of you is the best.
2025 is the year of magic. Be intentional, don’t allow anyone tell you otherwise. Stay on that frequency to savour the dividends of belief, hard work and light. A smashingly happy new year, my dear.
God bless Nigeria!
Next Monday, don’t miss: Help, our leaders are teaching us nonsense