
PDP condemns killings, destruction in Ukum, urges Gov. Alia to consider disarmament for bandits 

From Scholastica Hir, Makurdi
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Benue State has condemned the killings and wanton destruction of properties in Ukum Local Government Area (LGA) of the state in the last two days.
The party which has commiserated with the Government and people of Ukum LGA over the incidents said the killings of scores of persons in Zaki Biam by yet to be identified gunmen last Tuesday and the deadly protests on Wednesday which trailed the incident visiting destruction on the grieving town was unfortunate and uncalled for.
The PDP, in a statement signed by the Publicity Secretary Chief Bemgba Iortyom, also sympathized with those who lost loved ones in the gruesome attacks and with those whose properties were destroyed in the unfortunate events.
While it condemned the actions of mobs who took taking laws into their hands, the PDP noted that the events in Zaki Biam in the last couple of days spotlight the degree of insecurity in the state and called on Governor Hyacinth Alia to change his approach in handling of security in the state.
The party suggested that he consider disarmament and resettlement of the bandits as party of his strategies to tackle insecurity in the state.
Chief Iortyom in his statement said “Reports from the area indicate that for the better part of yesterday,  angry mobs went on rampage through Zaki Biam unchallenged ransacking and burning down properties, both public and private.
“The incident is reported to have started as a protest by locals in the town against the latest killings, but with events eventually getting out of hand as mobs of angry youths hijacked the protest and set about ransacking and burning down properties including the Local Government Council Secretariat, the Chairman’s Lodge, a public commodities warehouse, private businesses and residences including those of the Chief of Staff to the governor, Hon Paul Biam.
“It is a major source of worry that local accounts have publicly lamented the lack of a security response rapid enough to have quelled the situation and brought it under control, thereby mitigating the extent of destruction visited on properties in Zaki Biam.”
The party called on Governor Alia to “listen to those voices from the streets of Zaki Biam and hasten to put on his priority list a rapid response ingredient to his handling of insecurity in the state.”
The party urged the Governor to improve the logistics and communication capabilities of security agencies in the state.
The party also urges the governor to initiate a disarmament and resettlement initiative for bandits in the Sankera area, as he had admitted promising to do during the campaigns, as the options are open before him as governor to use a carrot-and-stick approach towards arresting the situation.
“Furthermore, at a broader level, Governor Alia should take deliberate and sincere steps towards the de-escalation and bridging of political tensions and divides in the state, this being against the reality that security is a communal responsibility which requires all hands to be on deck to manage and maintain it.
“To be able to achieve the security of lives and properties in Benue State, the governor must take the lead visibly in championing the ideal that all segments of the society under his watch must work together in the understanding that security must be placed above partisan and self-seeking considerations.”
PDP urged Governor Alia to mobilize Benue people, irrespective of political, religious and sundry differences, towards rooting out insecurity from Benue communities to usher in the peace and security needed for the building of a truly prosperous Benue State.
The party equally enjoined the Benue people to appreciate the challenges which lie in the path of government and refrain from acts of lawlessness, such as happened in the Zaki Biam protests, as in the final analysis, they are the ones who collectively and individually lose when destruction occurs.

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