ArtsLiterary Review

Oluyinka Davids honoured with President Biden’s Achievement Award

By Damiete Braide

Renowned international filmmaker and cinematographer, Oluyinka Davids, recently received the Joe R. Biden President’s Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest honour within the President’s Volunteer Service Award system. This distinguished accolade acknowledges Davids’ lifetime of exceptional service and dedication to both local and international communities. The award recognises individuals who have dedicated more than 4,000 hours of volunteer service, celebrating their significant contributions to their communities and the nation, and promoting a culture of service and civic engagement.

Alongside the presidential recognition, Davids received an Honorary Doctorate in Humanitarianism from The Global International Alliance University (GIA). This honor was bestowed upon him for his extensive contributions and positive impact on society through community service, advocacy, and philanthropic work. “I am humbled and honored to receive such a prestigious award,” Davids remarked. “The President’s Lifetime Achievement Award and the Honorary Doctorate in Humanitarianism are testaments to my commitment to improving lives and promoting social justice. To me, it is humanity first. Let’s be human together. I encourage each and every one of us to embrace a culture of compassion. I appreciate Almighty God for these great strides and hope to contribute even more to a better society.”

As the founder of iFocus Pictures, Davids has seamlessly blended his passion, skill, and innovation in the realms of filmmaking and music video directing. He is a man who strives for excellence, with creativity serving as his watchword. His focus, persistence, and dedication are evident in his works, which consistently reflect high levels of professionalism, articulation, and attention to detail. These attributes have enabled him to live his dreams while inspiring others to discover and nurture their passions.

Davids’ journey in the film industry is marked by his dedication to making impactful, change-provoking films. He is driven by a desire to educate and enlighten viewers. For him, filmmaking is not merely a means of generating income but a platform for producing quality films that can transform lives. His role model in the movie industry is the renowned American actor and filmmaker Tyler Perry, known for his successful ‘House of Payne’ series and other influential films. Davids admires Perry for his ability to create impactful movies and his journey to becoming one of the highest-earning individuals in the entertainment industry. Following in Perry’s footsteps, Davids aspires to create films that teach morals and foster positive societal change.

“Tyler Perry has paved a path that few dared to tread,” Davids stated. “His audacity to challenge norms and present authentic Black narratives in the most relatable manner has been a constant source of inspiration to me. I am dedicated to empowering the history of the Black race. One of my most profound dreams is to meet and collaborate with Tyler Perry someday. To learn firsthand and co-create with such a maestro would be nothing short of a dream come true. In Nigeria, Clarence Peters inspires me with his exceptional work in music videos, and Kunle Afolayan motivates me with his outstanding contributions to movie production.”

Davids’ remarkable achievements have garnered recognition both domestically and internationally. In every project he undertakes, he demonstrates his hard work, creativity, and passion for the arts. In October 2022, the State of California Senate presented Davids with a certificate of recognition for his outstanding contributions in using film as a vehicle for community engagement and education. Additionally, on December 3rd, the A.D. King Foundation Inc. USA awarded Davids for his leadership and continued commitment to global development.

For Davids, excelling in filmmaking requires passion, skill, and innovation. He is dedicated not just to creating films for entertainment but to using his creativity to tell compelling African stories that can drive societal change. His dedication to his craft and his commitment to service have earned him accolades and recognition, underscoring the profound impact of his work.

Reflecting on what makes a great film director, Davids said: “A great film director is someone who combines creativity, vision, and strong leadership skills. They have the ability to see the big picture and understand how every element of the film contributes to the overall narrative. Effective communication is crucial, as it ensures everyone involved in the project understands their role and how it fits into the director’s vision. Adaptability is another key trait, as filmmaking often involves unexpected challenges that require quick and creative solutions. A great director pays close attention to detail, meticulously planning and executing each aspect of the film to enhance the story and audience experience.

Emotional intelligence allows them to connect with the emotions of the story, the characters, and the audience, eliciting authentic performances and creating impactful scenes. Technical proficiency is also important, enabling the director to make informed decisions and collaborate effectively with the technical crew. Ultimately, a great director is driven by passion and perseverance, committed to bringing their vision to life despite any obstacles they may encounter.”

“Filmmaking has been incredibly rewarding for me. It allows me to bring stories to life, connect with audiences on a deep emotional level, and make a meaningful impact through my work. The creative process, from concept to final cut, is fulfilling and constantly challenges me to grow and innovate. Seeing my work resonate with people and receiving recognition, such as President Joe Biden’s Lifetime Achievement Award, makes the journey even more gratifying. Overall, filmmaking has provided me with a platform to express my creativity and contribute to the cultural narrative, which is immensely rewarding.”

As Davids continues to make strides in the film industry, he remains focused on his mission to portray authentic African narratives and inspire change through his films. His journey is a testament to the power of determination, creativity, and a commitment to making a difference. With each project, Davids aims to leave a lasting impact, encouraging others to embrace their passions and contribute to a better society.

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