
False solution in some Pentecostal churches (9)

“Prof, someone gave me a cola-nut during burial in my village and I ate it. The following day, the cola-nut was still hanging in my throat, which made me very uncomfortable. For more than eight months, I lived with this demonic case, which defied every medical attention. I was in serious pain and every prayer made for me by men of God was like water poured on a stone. But when I started reading your column and saw what God was using your anointing oil to do in many lives, I decided to order for it. I want to thank God for your life. When I used the oil, three days thereafter, I vomited the cola-nut and I am very strong now. God bless you sir.”

– Bro Linus Dike,

“I have been able to know the truth about what has been happening to me through your help. I was an addict and everyone around me never believed that I was going to stop it. My friends abandoned me completely and some of them even prayed and asked God to change me. My case was that of a foolish man because I was indeed lost in drug addiction. Anything I touched, including phones, I sold them to buy drugs. It was remaining for me to sell myself to buy drugs; this was very serious and continued until my friends contacted you on my behalf and you assisted me with your oil and the prayers that accompanied it. My friends helped me and observed the religious rituals. After the whole exercise, I saw a little change in my life. Two of them insisted that they were going to repeat the prayer for me after four weeks. They did and the last exercise brought total deliverance to me. I noticed in my dream that four angels took me inside a particular room in one hospital and operated on me. The operation took more than three hours and when I woke up, I had pains all over my body. After some days, I discovered that I developed hatred for all manner of drugs. I hated every drug and God helped me as I started living a good life that started amazing people. I can’t thank God enough for the life of my friends who made sacrifices on my behalf; as the only son, they became my brothers and sisters and contributed for the oil. God bless you so much, sir. You have made yourself available to be used by God for this purpose. Kindly publish this but not with my details. God bless you sir.”

– Mr. Ben Okoro 

Majority have ended up getting psychological healing from such centres, not just because there is true power in it NO! The issue is that when they see things being exhumed from the ground, their mind will be set on immediate freedom from their problem. The projection of their mind in this regard, will be empowered by some psychological force, which will in turn be greeted by momentary relief. This is more psychological than spiritual.

Well, the point I am making here is that the young lady in whose house charms were exhumed did not get the solution to her problems rather she got her problems compounded. By the grace of God, when she contacted me on phone and inquired further on what to do in order to be truly freed from her long tormented problems, I introduced her to my anointing oil, which she used and prayed with it. She finally anointed herself with it and things happened in her life. Her testimony will be published in this column by next week.

She is completely freed and has started to enjoy her faith in Christ now. God does not allow his children to suffer shame to the last at all. There are many ways through which agents of darkness put people in bondage. Some of them I have discussed in this column. For instance, facing the sun while praying is one of the ways Satan uses to keep a person under his bondage.

A ‘prophet’ may instruct you to face the east or the sun while praying. This may be good for some reasons but there are more than the eyes can see. It is very obvious that some powers can be contacted through this process.

The use of ashes for prayer is an abnormal process of praying, this is an indirect way of invoking the astral forces, demons within the first occult kingdom of the air. An agent of darkness may tell you that ash is used to drive away evil forces. I do hope that you are fully aware that one of the chief duties of Satan is to make evil to appear as good as to lead the sons of men astray.

Some ashes are used in contacting higher demons in the astral world, and the moment one uses it, it means that the one has received a mark of initiation into the kingdom of darkness. The use of sand for prayers is another process of contaminating yourself. An agent of darkness posing as a ‘man of God’ may advice you to use sand for prayers. If you do, then let it be known to you that the process by which sand is used for prayer is a direct way of inviting demons operating as ‘ghost’ within the occult kingdom of the earth and handing yourself over to them. Many have lost their lives through this illicit way of praying.

If fake men of God have at one time or the other in your life used sand for prayers, it means you may have contacted demons and have, via same process, become their slave. You are only free if you have received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. If not, you are already dead while living. The bible says, “Therefore there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus…” (Rom 8:1)

I have already discussed the after-effect of bathing in the river as a means of solving one’s problem in this column. Now you may in the process of seeking for solution, a ‘prophet’ gives you a special soap to bath with, so that your man or woman could love you the more. You may receive your heart desire, but the forces of darkness within the water realm will transform the foam of the soap into a spiritual net with this said net, you will be covered, dominated and manipulated by the prince of darkness and his agents. The soap as well is used to introduce some elements of darkness into your body. This subtle element would gradually metamorphose to a moving object inside your body.

In the gospel of John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the live, no man cometh unto the father but by me”. Now, the understanding evident in the forgoing statement can only be recognized from the realm of profound spiritual consciousness transcending the limited faculty of mental speculation. Yes, mere mental speculation on the contents of Holy Scriptures cannot advance the human spirit in the true worship of the Almighty God. Let’s face the reality!

If an agent of darkness instructs you to  pray and chant your  beads and further instructs you to call on some names that are not known, by calling the names of the dead, let it be known to you that you can contact higher demons who will act certain cosmic but religious drama on you. This is not a joke.

A ‘prophet’ may use a cross to pray for you. You need to know that many talisman and amulets are used in the form of a cross even with a carved image of ‘Christ’. When you receive prayers with such things, you are indirectly receiving a mark of destruction and initiation into the realm of blind witches. Through such prayers an agent of darkness can project some demonic elements into you. Jesus is the only way of God and not a cross or calling on the names of saints.  (1 Tim 2:5) Do not misunderstand me here because I am speaking from experience.

Dear reader, I wish to bring to your knowledge that drawing a line on the ground while praying using eggs to pray in one way or the other, using salt, leaves, back of tree, sugar, milk, bread, groundnuts, beads, roads, rings, clothes, pigeons for ‘spiritual assignment’ or calling the names of angels and saints while praying are diverse ways of contacting the powers of darkness. These are also ways by which you can be kept under the constant contact of some powers.

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