
1,867 combine Corps members from Zamfara, Kebbi begin orientation course

From Olanrewaju Lawal Birnin Kebbi

About 1,867 combined Corps members of batch B stream 1 from Zamfara and Kebbi States, have begun their three weeks orientation course at the National Youth Service Corps(NYSC) permanent Orientation camp, Dakingari,Suru Local Government Area of Kebbi State.

The figure comprises of 1,513 deployed to Kebbi State and 345 dislodged from Zamfara state.

While addressing the Corps members,Kebbi State Governor, Dr Nasir Idris, represented by the Deputy Governor, Senator Umar Abubakar urged the Corps members to pay utmost attention to the training and the clarion call to serve their nation.

The Governor who donated two cows to the Corps members,said: ‘ my dear Corps members,I enjoy you to pay utmost attention to this noble call to serve our great nation and re- dedicate yourselves to achieving the Scheme’s goal of national unity, integration and development.

“You should live peacefully with fellow compatriots despite diverse cultural and socio-ethnic background, in order to promote the integration of our nation as one united and indivisible entity.

“The future of this Country lies in your hands, therefore,you have a great role to play in shapping our corporate destiny. I encourage you not to mortgage this unique opportunity that will give room to your rise to greater height and a sustainable future”.

Earlier,the Kebbi State Coordinator of NYSC,Mrs. Okolo Agatha Banki,informed the Governor that the Corps members,from Zamfara and Kebbi States,since the orientation course kicked off,have been cooperating with the camp officials.

She said: ” I wish to inform you that this orientation course is a combined one with some Corps members from Zamfara state dislodged to have their orientation camp here in Kebbi.

“Formed up on parade this morning your Excellency , is a total number of 1,867 Corps members who have been duly registered as of midnight. This disposition includes 1,513 Kebbi Corps members and 345 Zamfara Corps members.

“it gladdens my heart to inform this gathering that since the commencement of this orientation course,this batch of Corps members have been outstanding in their response to training.

“They quickly acclimatized to the camp environment and have been engaged in all activities. This is highly commendable “.

She however,appealed to the state government to assist the NYSC in the state by increasing the height of the camp fence,providing double bunk beds and mattresses, plastics chairs,increment of Corps members state allowances and construction of more staff quarters in the camp among others.

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