She came highly recommended by her course mates. I needed her services urgently for my mom. She graduated from School of Health for over a year and was waiting to secure admission into the university to study Nursing.
It was her first job after graduating from the School of Health. I employed her in November. There was a little challenge though, her father is a pensioner and she depends on him for her upkeep. Unfortunately, he had not been paid for two months.
I asked her to resume work all the same. She comes to work from her hometown which is not too far from the city where I live. The first month she worked before her pay day, I paid her fare to and from work each week, since her father was yet to receive his pension and I didn’t want any excuses whatsoever.
Few days to her pay day, she came to me smiling and shared her intentions “Aunty, I want to sow my salary as first seed in church. I couldn’t gain admission into university last year, despite meeting the cut off mark post UTME. This is my first salary ever, I want to tie my admission to it as seed, she said.”
When are you expecting the University admission list, I asked her? January hopefully, she said.
How much is the tuition? I asked. She told me that it was over N220, 000. What of accommodation, I asked again? She doesn’t know how she would do it.
I continued: “It is December already, how much have you saved for your school fees should your admission be successful?” She told me she had saved nothing.
What about your father’s pension? Do you know how much he earns or when he’s likely to be paid? How do you intend to pay your school fees once your admission is out? I asked again, and she stood there mopping at me. I could see fear in her eyes now.
If you sow your first salary as a seed to your church, how will you transport yourself to work and back home after each shift? You still want to depend on me to pay for your transport? By now reality was hitting home hard.
Are you aware that if you save your first and second salary before admissions are out you would have saved more than 25% of your school fees already? By now she understood where I was headed.
Have faith in God, you will secure admission. Tying your admission to a seed makes it seem God is a cash and carry God and only blesses those who pay him, I told her.
Instead of sowing your salary as seed or tying your admission to it, it is best you buy a gift for your parents as a token of appreciation for their love towards you. Their outpouring of blessings will move God to act on your behalf, I told her.
Few days into January, her admission came through and her first salary was the only available cash at the time and she used it to pay her acceptance fee which came with a deadline. Although she wasn’t due for her next salary by the time she was to leave for school, I still paid her salary in full.
Imagine if I hadn’t sat her down, to take the scale off her eyes bit by bit, she would have believed the seed she sowed gave her admission and even share that as testimony to the cheering of the congregation.
Brethren, don’t get me wrong, sowing your first salary as fruit is good if you believe in it, but make sure you are not sowing with the aim to depend on other people to continue to foot your bills until you are due for your next pay. Don’t be unfortunate.
Some people sow their January salary as seed every year without any back up plan, then suffer the consequences of their own actions or live the remaining days of the month at the mercy of friends and families they shift their financial burdens on. I have also heard people who didn’t study for exams sowing seeds to pass with flying colors.
It is baffling how easily people allow themselves to be at the mercy of salesmen and women known as men and women of God who are nothing but seed-seeking preachers.
Some preachers have graduated to insisting their members sow their only car or house as seed. Some even proudly announce the amount of money to be sowed as fruit for each level of blessings. Unfortunately, many are falling victims of such scam.
Don’t live at the mercy of men of God who are seed seekers. Sow seed, tie your blessings to it if you like, but have a back-up plan. Period!