
Important role a woman plays in the home

It is remarkable how the Shunammite woman attracted Prophet Elisha to her home. She was not the only woman in town, but she did something others did not. She recognised the importance of extending her hand of blessing to Prophet Elisha. You do not need to follow the crowd, but rather follow your conviction.

The relationship began by offering him dinner and progressed to regular meals, despite the potential strain on her resources. She did not mind the extra responsibility it entailed. Eventually, it culminated in her allocating a room for him. In doing so, she did not forget she had a spouse and thus sought his approval. May you never act as though you are your own lord.

Uncle Elisha was observant enough, through his servant, to realise that she was in need of a child. Some ministers of God can be so engrossed in their work that they fail to see the needs of those around them. Confident in the God he served, he told the kind woman taking care of him that within a year, she would be a joyful mother. And so it was, God honoured His name as His servant had committed Him. The prophet seemed not to have acknowledged her husband, who perhaps, like some husbands, was deliberately keeping his distance or was busy with work, possibly as an officer at a bank, often returning home late. Whatever his shortcomings, his wife covered them as a good partner should. There is a special role for women.

In those days in Lagos, two families were known for hosting guests: my family and another Christian brother’s family, living near Queens College. Many of our brethren travelling to the US and the UK would stay at his house and upon their return, they would bring back gifts. We hosted those travelling within the country and received no such rewards. One evening, we received four unexpected visitors. At one point, people from six states in Nigeria were staying in our house, and my wife did not mind!

One day, the Shunammite’s son was with his father when he fell ill. Knowing his limitations and recognising the capabilities of his wife, he sent the boy to her, perhaps for prayers or general care. The child died. Some women might curse God for the loss of their only child. Others might blame their husbands for not taking him to the hospital. It is during trials that one’s true character is revealed. The woman placed the corpse in Elisha’s room and went to fetch him. A good wife, even in crisis, she sought her husband’s permission before leaving. Some wives might consider this unnecessary. A prudent wife, she understood her husband’s level of faith and did not disclose the bad news to him, fearing he might bury the child before she returned.

Notably, she expressed confidence to her husband by saying, “It shall be well,” and to Elisha’s servant, she declared, “It is well,” showing her faith that the man of God would revive her son. When she reached Elisha, she poured out her feelings to him. May we learn from her! May you not pour your anger on your husband; instead, wait until you meet God in prayer and pour it out to Him, your Father! Her unwavering faith brought Elisha to her home to raise her son from the dead. And he did! No husband could have handled the situation as brilliantly as she did. There is a special role for women.

Reflecting on the tomb of the Lord Jesus, Peter and John left despite seeing evidence of His resurrection, but Mary refused to leave without seeing Him. Men often act this way. Mary, a typical woman, waited until her need was met. Women are like that—they wait until their children’s school fees are paid, their husband’s illness is cured, or the family’s financial situation improves. During a family or church disagreement, men may leave in anger, but women will fast and pray for resolution. That is how peace can be restored. There is a special role for women.

As she waited, Mary saw an angel. This is the benefit of patience. Women possess this quality in abundance. Men often do not. Perhaps this is why only women bear the name Patience! A devoted follower of the Lord Jesus, seeing angels was not enough for her. She had to see Jesus. When asked why she was sad, thinking the person was the gardener, she explained her mission, adding that if he had moved the body, he should tell her so she could take it. This was love in action. Noting her respectful address, the man called her by name. The veil was lifted—it was the Lord Jesus! Yes, Mary saw Him!

It was Mary whom the Lord Jesus commissioned to deliver the good news of His resurrection to Peter and the other disciples, because they were not there. Mary, first at the tomb, was the last to leave, but she departed with joy. Peter and John, in their haste, saw nothing—not even an angel, let alone Jesus. “Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength…” There is a special role for women!

It is possible for a woman not to accomplish all these without a new life in Christ Jesus. There was a woman, a sinner, engaging with many men, but one day she surrendered her life to Jesus. Like Zacchaeus, she surrendered everything to Him, even her most significant need—water! Surrendering all includes one’s anger, negative emotions, sinful pleasures, excessive attachment to parental wealth, education, and anything that can cause pride.

Without waiting to be ordained, she ordained herself into the Ministry of Evangelism, starting from her local area. Not copying anyone’s preaching style, her message was original: “Come and see…” she declared. The result was a great success. Jesus was there later and more lives were transformed. There is a special role for women.

  For further comment, Please contact: Osondu Anyalechi:   0909 041 9057; [email protected]

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