
“I promised Kaycee I’ll help her get her revenge. “Really? Is that not ‘unchristian’ of her?”

Unbelievable! I think the most shocking thing for me that night was when Kaycee climbed the centre table to do a karaoke song; Whitney Houston’s ‘I will always love you’ and everyone cheered her on to the point that she did a seductive dance with a guy! I suspected Zara had put a ‘little something’ in our drinks. I had never seen shy Kaycee behave in such an alluring carefree manner.

There was going to be hell to pay when Kaycee finally realises what happened I thought through my foggy mind. What on earth was in that fruity funky drink, I wondered as I slowly lost consciousness. I vaguely remember in a haze being driven home and tucked into bed. I had a banging headache the following day.

Thank God it was a Saturday! The incessant ringing of my phone woke me up at almost 12.00noon! “Hello Tobs? Are you still in bed? Sorry for bothering you but I don’t feel well, can you come over, please?” Kaycee wailed over the phone. Oh dear I thought as the events of the previous night came flooding back. Kaycee is going to be furious I thought scamping out of bed grimacing at the sharp pain I felt in my head. I slowly got ready as with each movement the pain increased. I took a glass of freshly squeezed juice and painkillers. I lay on my bed thinking, I needed to lie down for a minute and close my eyes. I eventually woke up by 3.00pm feeling a bit better. My phone was on silent mode and so I didn’t know Kaycee had been calling. I saw over 10 missed calls and quickly called back apologising profusely and telling her I was on my way. By the time I manoeuvred through the traffic and got to Kaycee’s place it was almost 5.30pm. Kaycee was a sorry sight, she was still in her pyjamas, she had ice packs on her head and I was told had vomited more times than they cared to count. This was totally unacceptable I thought, poor Kaycee. Now I was sure Zara had spiked our drinks. Why on earth did she keep testing my patience and pushing her boundaries with me? This wasn’t funny, Kaycee and I could seriously have been hurt. Kaycee is a Church girl, it wasn’t a secret but Zara never missed an opportunity to mess with her. I requested for freshly squeezed juice and some painkillers hoping it will work for her as it worked for me. After about an hour she opened her eyes and saw me sitting by her bedside holding her hand.

“Tobs, what on earth did Zara do to my drink?” She asked in quiet anger. I needed to think fast, Kaycee was furious and rightly so. “I am sure that Zara put something in my drink, that conniving, despicable girl,” Kaycee said darkly. “Ok, calm down Kaycee, I know you’re upset. Later in the day I called Zara to register our displeasure but she showed no remorse and instead told me to stop being a cry Baby over a ‘little harmless joke’. Zara needs to be taught a lesson and the best way is to give her a taste of her own medicine. I will come up with a plan, I assured Kaycee with a devious smile. No need to get mad, it’s better to get even! It’s been a fulfilling week.

We are still within the week Warien Rose Foundation had Domestic Violence Anonymous, our usual end of the month support Group Meeting for the abused, especially Women. The increase in the cases of abuse is frightening and the cases are more horrific than we know. Please speak up and speak out against domestic violence. I want to appeal to our Men to speak to each other about this terrible menace. It is worrisome and evil. Kaycee is still seething with anger on one hand while Zara has put on a devil may care façade. I have managed to keep them apart but for how long? I have promised Kaycee I will help her get her revenge. “Really? Is that not ‘unchristian’ of her?” Jasmine asked with a mischievous grin on her face when I told her about the plan to get revenge.

”I am in!” Jasmine shrieked in excitement. Crazy girl! Jerry Blake’s birthday was on Friday and Chioma, his amazing wife as usual wanted to make it special. So she asked me to do something for her… hmmn. You do remember who Jerry is, right? Ok will gist later, got to run.

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