
The blessing of peace

God guarantees the protection of His children. He wants the man, who is born-again, who has surrendered his all to Him, and who He has given Peace, to live long. “With long life will I satisfy him and shew him My salvation” – Psalm 91:16. He thus, protects him from all dangers and activities of the devil.
“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds…” He says in 2 Corinthians 10:4. The result of this is that, “No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper” – Isaiah 54:17. This is why a child of God lives in peace, irrespective of the enemy’s threats. A cook was hired to kill a student. He poisoned his food three times, and nothing happened to the boy. He gave the poisoned food to his dog, and it died instantly. He confessed to the student what he did and pleaded with him to take him to the Baba who fortified him. The boy took him to the Lord Jesus. Glory!
A lady boasted to someone many years ago that my wife would be mad and would strip naked in the office they both worked together. We laughed about it when the person told us. It did not require any fasting. It was an insult to God that His beloved daughter of Zion would strip naked before unbelievers! Despite all these, we prayed for the lady when she had cancer, though she did not survive it.
Outside God’s special provisions for His children, He allows them to exercise their choice of whatever thing they want through prayers. I witnessed this in Glen Cove in NY during a Leadership Training in 1980. The centre was owned by the major oil companies in the US. I describe it usually as ‘luxurious and wasteful’. The White man who drove me there could not believe that a Nigerian was going to stay there. We ate whatever type of food we wanted during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Food was also kept between the lecture hall and our rooms. Outside all these, we were told to order from them any type of food we desired.
If you ask anything in My name, I will do it,” Jesus said – John 14:13. Mark His word – ‘anything’. James said that we do not have because we do not ask. It is not God that will ask for us. We are the ones. Kneeling in prayer is not metered, so you do not pay more for praying more. “You will decree a thing,” as Jesus did, “and it will be established for you” – Job 22:28. For Jesus to tell the born-again Christian, who has surrendered his all to Him, that if he asks anything in His name, He will do it, is to give him an open cheque, unlimited prosperity!
God demands obedience from the believer. We know He loves us, so He sent the Lord Jesus to die for our sins. God is also a consuming fire – Heb. 12:29. No coin spins in the economic market unless the two sides are intact. And so is God. He then requires our life of obedience. In Deut 34:4, He told Uncle Moses:”This is Canaan, I promised My people. I have caused you to see it but you will not enter there”.
No matter what is happening in the world today, especially the economic situation of Nigeria, do not lose sight of God’s promise for His own! In John 14:27, He tells us, ‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’

Enjoy the blessing of peace that comes only from God!
For further comment, please contact: Osondu Anyalechi:
0909 041 9057;

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