
Score above 20% or be downgraded, Permanent Secretary threatens directors

From Isaac Anumihe, Abuja

Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (FMHUD), Dr Marcus Ogunbiyi, yesterday, threatened to remove any director that scored below 20 per cent in the Performance Management System (PMS) of the ministry.

While signing a Performance Management System of the ministry, Ogunbiyi said that he would equally reward directors and staff who perform above board.

Ogunbiyi said that he would use PMS to assess staff for third quarter examination.

“PMS will be used to assess every staff for the third quarter. Anybody that will sit for exam will be assessed by PMS. I can at any time change the head of departments. If the PMS says that you scored below standard, you will be removed and replaced by the Head of Department. This, I will do creditably and transparently” he warned.

According to him, PMS is one of the key pillars in the ongoing reform in the federal civil service.

“It is to ensure that all officers are contributing to the growth and development of the ministry and the nation at large. If you are doing your duties at the right time, you are contributing to the growth of Nigeria. It’s the duty of the supervisor to call you and investigate the reason his subordinate is not performing well. The eagle eye is watching me and you” he noted.

Recall that at the inception of the Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration, he made sure that all the ministers sign a performance bond.

It’s in this light that ministers are ensuring that the workers under them perform because their performance will contribute to the overall performance of the ministry.

According to the special adviser to the president on policy coordination, Hadiza Bala Usman,
every minister and the permanent secretary would sign a performance bond with the president which would detail what they are expected to do within the one year 2024 budget cycle.

“And that performance bond is what we are going to use to track the performance of that minister.

“One of the things that we are keen to ensure, and Mr. President has clearly given us that directive is that performance is a very important thing.

“He has made a commitment to Nigerians and that commitment is what he is going to ensure is delivered by his respective appointees.


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