
Restructuring: Our fears for NIGERIA – Northern Elders

By Kenny Ashaka

Chairman of the Northern Elders Forum, NEF, Dr. Paul Wantaren Unongo believes that some Nigerians are yet to come to terms with the North’s thinking of the need to change the way Nigeria is organized. In this interview, Unongo, a former Minister in Nigeria’s Second Republic who has just been named as the chairman of the forum to replace Alhaji Maitama Sule who died in a Cairo hospital recently, said the North’s fear for a restructure was for Nigeria. “The North is not afraid of restructuring. The North is afraid for Nigeria. The North does not want people to surreptitiously send us back again to the frontlines in the jungle that we are going to fight a civil war. Most countries and most civilized people don’t indulge in fighting civil war twice.

“If we had got things, we should go and sit down and picture a federation that would give us no pain and that would work and ensure economic development faster. How can the North be against that? We are against behind the scene attempts to re-introduce secession and civil war as an act of politics. We did that 50 years ago. Nigeria will be a very stupid country if every 50 years we go back to the jungle to fight a war. What kind of human beings are we? If that is what is restructuring we say no”, he remarked


The North seems to be divided on the restructuring of Nigeria as a country. Some have kicked against the idea outright and yet we have others like the former vice president, Atiku Abubakar campaigning vigorously for the restructuring of Nigeria. As a prominent body that speaks for the North, what is the thinking of the North about restructuring?

From our angle, the North is not afraid of restructuring and you will see that we are not afraid of restructuring. What we want to know is if we are talking about the same thing. If people are talking about Biafra, they talk of it as restructuring. I don’t believe that is restructuring. A big section of Nigeria like the North, which occupies three-quarters of the land mass of Nigeria and which has over half of the population of Nigeria is not against restructuring.

In that case, what is restructuring as far as the North is concerned?

We just want to know because there are too many things being discussed under restructuring. There is one thing that we know that has been settled on the battlefield. That is the question of secession. We settled on federalism on the battlefield. But if anybody wants to tinker with Nigeria so that we can have a better federation, so we can love each other more, we are all for it. But the discussions that are going on and people are abusing people and giving the impression that the North is not willing to look at our federation and see how we can tinker it, how we can improve on it, is not true. We are not stupid. It is not true. It is a case of giving a dog a bad name in order to hang it. We know that we fought a war and before the war there were a lot of discussions. We reached an impasse where the people in Nigeria lined up just like it happened in the United States. Some remained absolutely committed to federalism. Others said no breakup or give us war. But we fought a devastating war for three solid years.

When somebody talks as if we never fought a war on the same issue, that person is just being funny. This country sacrificed three million persons for talking the idea of a breakup of the federation. Now we have a federation and we have practiced the military imposed constitution. If we had got things, we should go and sit down and picture a federation that would give us no pain and that would work and ensure economic development faster. How can the North be against that? We are against behind the scene attempts to re-introduce secession and civil war as an act of politics. We are not interested in violent politics again. We did that 50 years ago. Nigeria will be a very stupid country if every 50 years we go back to the jungle to fight a war. What kind of human beings are we? If that is what is restructuring we say no.

Can restructuring assuage all these conflict of ideas that we have now in Nigeria?

Well, my personal view is very clear. I have no objection but I think that if Nigeria wants to progress, we must go back to what Chief Obafemi Awolowo suggested and what some of his followers are canvassing. Nigerians are not very honest people. When an idea comes from somebody they don’t like, they don’t take it. At the London Constitutional Conference, Awolowo insisted on federalism. I was a supporter of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe. Zik insisted on unitary form of government. When the military came, because of their structure, they surreptitiously pushed backwards to almost a unitary system, making the federal centre so powerful that we are all feeling the pains. So if we want to give ourselves a true constitution to embrace the units of this country, we have now seen how costly this presidential system is. We can now sit down in a Sovereign National Conference. Why are people afraid if people like Jonathan could call their friends to come and tinker the constitution and you elected certain number of people that you call National Assembly. Who is afraid of Nigeria? Even we Nigerians are not afraid of ourselves. Give us a proper Sovereign National Conference, invite all the tribes…and you know educated Nigerians are afraid of the word tribe, but that is what we are made up of. Give us the freedom to discover what we want, to give ourselves what we want.

If in the process it takes two to four years to write that agreement, so be it. But what comes out of the Sovereign National Conference of the component peoples of Nigeria should be given to us. Why are leaders of this country afraid to allow Nigerians talk to themselves freely? They will do it and give to themselves a workable constitution without any doubt. But when people are scheming to impose whether through military fiat or to just impose rules on people who are privileged to be in the National Assembly now, I as a theoretician and an observer of Nigeria for over 60 years, I watched Nigeria participate from the time I was 15 years old I was playing politics. So, I think Nigerians are very interested in themselves and intelligent. Nigerians are capable of sitting together, arguing and abusing themselves secretly, but they will come out with a constitution they want for their component units. They will determine how many component units it should be. If the Nigerian people are given the opportunity to determine the type of federalism they want along the lines that Chief Obafemi Awolowo suggested, believe you me we will have peace in this country.

Why, in your estimation, has the clamour for restructuring become more pronounced?

Oh! Well, people are playing politics. You see President Muhammadu Buhari became sick and people are holding him responsible for being sick and all the ills of Nigeria. You know that is wrong. Buhari inherited a thoroughly battered country where the commonwealth was completely plundered. The economy was knocked down and just one year in his administration signs appeared that he was sick. Then he took permission and transmitted power correctly, unlike the way it took place during Yar’Adua, to a highly competent Nigerian called Osinbajo and made him an acting president. Then people just want to heat up the polity. As far as I am concerned, Osinbajo is doing a tremendous job and people don’t want to know what the system is.  The system produced a ticket. The President did not run alone. It is a ticket he ran with Osinbajo. Now that he is not here, Osinbajo is doing well. When he runs against the constitution of the Federal Republic, everything will be applied. If it becomes necessary for him to be removed, he would be removed. But for people to just sit up and make appearances as if this man has committed an offence because he is sick is incredible. I am really surprised. So, all these agitations and protests that Buhari should resume or resign is crazy. You don’t run a country like that.

Nigeria is not a banana republic. People know, but they just want to be funny. Osinbajo is a professor of Law, competent and is doing a competent job according to the constitution. Why are people not satisfied?

If the North is not afraid of restructuring why is it against devolution of powers?

I don’t know what you mean by restructuring. Wait. Who is a northerner? Am I not a northerner? I am calling for a Sovereign National Conference as a person. My organization did not say they were afraid of going into talks. The North is not afraid of restructuring.

The North is afraid for Nigeria. The North does not want people to surreptitiously send us back again to the frontlines in the jungle that we are going to fight a civil war. Most countries and most civilized people don’t indulge in fighting civil war twice. People who are telling us let’s resurrect Biafra, you press, help us. The idea of Biafra was canvassed by Ojukwu more than anybody else. He had English from Oxford. He was a historian. He presented Biafra’s case better than anybody that is today purporting to be presenting a case for Biafra. Nigeria rejected it and he rejected Nigeria’s position and we went to war. We fought a three-year bloody war. Biafra was defeated, the idea was killed and the victorious federalists imposed a federal system. There is nothing wrong for Nigerians to sit down and tinker with their federalism as a practice. Nobody in the North is against that.

In that case, would it be right to say that the North has a misconception of the restructuring the South is talking about?

Oh! Is the South united? So, restructuring means bring Buhari today, come and start work tomorrow or else. So, restructuring means send everybody to the front, every northerner with oil block in the South give it out on the 1st of October. Then restructuring means every northerner go back to… this is crazy. What is restructuring? We have already sat with leaders from the South. We have said the federal legislature should determine the mode of representation. But it shall not…if they are really serious they should determine it in such a way that every component unit of Nigeria, every tribe in Nigeria should be represented. Then throw this thing to these people. Why are you rulers of this country afraid of Nigerians. Nigerians are the sovereign people of Nigeria.

Give us a Sovereign National Conference so that we will now discuss what we want for this country. If you feel that this is something that is against…you should remember what Ojukwu said about the war. He said he himself was against the second agitation for Biafra. So, if this agitation for Biafra is restructuring, as they say so; if restructuring means get out of my section of Nigeria, they don’t have right. Like I said when our boys said so, I said you can’t say that because after the bitter war, the nation Nigeria emerged and it has a constitution. No matter how wobbly you must follow that constitution. I am determined to continue to support the constitution because if we don’t support the constitution we will become a banana republic. We cannot just wake up everyday and young men who never saw the war just issue instructions. I want everybody from the North to get out of my state. Every northerner that has oil block…I don’t have oil block, but I am not worried. I want Oduduwa State. I want this. These are the things that happened before Biafra came. All the things that these people are talking about now were done exactly in the same way and they led us into a brutal civil war for three years. Haven’t we learnt any lessons? If you want us to look at how we have practiced Nigeria, let us have a Sovereign National Conference convened; the North will be properly represented. I will be there too…

You want a Sovereign National Conference. Do you think we can achieve that under this government?

Do I think we can achieve a Sovereign National Conference under this government? Which government? If the people of this country want it and the government from thoughts and claims represent the Nigerian people, why would it not give them a Sovereign National Conference? Is it because those people that were in the Senate who were in the PDP and they and their friend Jonathan sat down and selected some of us who were perceived as his friends and then said go and sit there and then tell me this is what I want. They divided Nigeria in the pieces they wanted; they took the representation they wanted, they came up with a report and now there is a strong pressure on everybody that we have a National Assembly and we are proposing an amendment of the constitution. They should pass this on to this people to amend. And when they say no, this was not representative, you think they don’t like restructuring. Was that few deliberate selection representative of the people of Nigeria? Of course not. Was it representative of the interest of Nigeria? Of course not. Was it fair for the biggest part of Nigeria to have not been represented properly? No, it is not fair.

So nobody is going to stop restructuring if they don’t…I don’t believe there is anybody in the North that is against restructuring. But what we are saying is let’s not make noise. Let’s define what we mean by restructuring and I can define what I mean by restructuring. We have practiced government with what? We came into being with three states.

There were four regions. We became four regions with Midwest. The military torpedoed that in 1966. Buhari was not there. He was a very young man and the young people that toppled government toppled themselves again, then Gowon came. In 1967 Gowon said there was agitation for the breaking up of Nigeria into more than three, four. So he broke Nigeria into 12 states by military fiat. So from 12 they went by military fiat to 19. Then they imposed a constitution by military fiat. They ruled by decree.

Then in 1979, some of us participated in the Constituent Assembly they convoked. Some of us were elected by our people. I was one of the so-called 60 wise men of Nigeria that were selected by General Murtala Muhammed in 1976 to go and look at what Nigerians want and give him a type of government that he told us that he wanted. We told him, Your Excellency, if this is the type of government that you want it does exist and it works in the United States. All we need to do is to tinker it so that it can reflect our Africanism. And he said go ahead. He gave us one year and we went and sat down with brilliant minds. Only one person refused to attend, Chief Obafemi Awolowo. People like Ben Nwabueze, one of the greatest constitutional lawyers were there. And we fashioned a draft constitution, which we presented to the military and the military then convoked a National Constituent Assembly by election. The elected representatives of the Constituent Assembly produced a constitution, which they gave to the military and the military imposed it by decree in 1979.

From there, all the changes that are being made are on the constitution of 1979. Some people want to deceive themselves that all the changes that are being made are on the constitution of 1999. No, there is no 1999 constitution. It is the 1979 constitution that is being amended and amended up till today. So, within that context people who are agitating and are intelligent I sympathize with them. From this angle give the Nigerian people a chance, convoke a Sovereign National Conference. We have enough brains in this country that we can make sure that all tribal ethnicities in Nigeria will be represented and these people should sit and let them look at the constitutions we have practiced, the colonial one, then the parliamentary system, which has been practiced and the attempted presidential system we have practiced and then they should get all the advice that they want. But the important thing is that they should represent their sovereign unit within Nigeria.

Such a constitution arrived at should not be subjected to any supposed National Assembly. Then we can begin the preamble of the constitution correctly by saying ‘we the peoples of Nigeria give to ourselves this constitution’. Then for God’s sake, after that Nigerians should forget about another constitution. No country in the world changes constitutions so many times as Nigeria has done. So, to stop all these give us a Sovereign National Conference. The amount of monies spent on multiple assemblies, multiple states, 36 states, add the Federal Capital Territory, that’s 37 I don’t care. But there is something that is factual. As I am talking to you now about 32 states have not been able and are not able to pay salaries and meet up all the requirements for being a government that employ people. Some have not been paid for three months and others up to six months. What type of country is that? We must know that something is wrong. So what is the fear? Why do we fear the Nigerian people when we are supposed to be serving them and the masses are not being asked to come and speak to their problems? We have imposed this problem on Nigeria. Give us a Sovereign National Conference and let us see. If we make any noise or trouble it would be our fault.

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  1. Obviously, you got it all wrong!

    “Restructuring” does not mean going back to the “jungle of fighting war” as you remarked.

    We have outgrown that!

    All-inclusive democractic restructuring of NIGERIA means that all the things that are politically wrong about the current NIGERIA political structures, need to be democratcally restructured all-inclusively, irrespective of tribes, cultures and religions!

    It means that those political evils and wickednesses of marginalization, nepotism, militarization, brutality, oppression, and social injustices that are being promoted by the political cabals in NIGERIA, must be brought to an eternal end, especially in today’s NIGERIA Government and Governance, among other things!

  2. Obviously, you got it all wrong!

    “Restructuring” does not mean going back to the “jungle of fighting war” as you remarked.

    We have outgrown that by now!

    All-inclusive democractic restructuring of NIGERIA means that all the things that are politically wrong about the current NIGERIA political structures, need to be democratically restructured all-inclusively, irrespective of tribes, cultures and religions!

    It means that those political evils and wickednesses of marginalization, nepotism, militarization, brutality, oppression, and social injustices that are being promoted by the political cabals in NIGERIA, must be brought to an eternal end, especially in today’s NIGERIA Government and Governance, among other things!?

    Presently, the NIGERIA census records do not reflect the truth about NIGERIA population of the Northern and Southern NIGERIANS!

    It is still those Military Detectorship census that are recorded for the favor of the Northern political cabals that is still in existence till date!

    Former President Olusegun Obasanjo wanted the census to be corrected, but the Northern political cabals strongly resisted it, just as they are currently doing with the democractic fundamental issues of all-inclusive referendum accross NIGERIA and restructuring of NIGERIA politically!

    The claim that Northern NIGERIA is over 50 percent population of NIGERIA or there about, is obvious fallacy!

    That is never true!

    You can now see why average Northerners believe that they are the real owners of NIGERIA, and that “the Southerners are born-slaves”, while they the core Northerners are “born to rule other NIGERIANS as their conquered slaves”!

    This, among others, is the main cause of the socio-political problems facing today’s NIGERIA and the whole NIGERIANS!

    It must democractically and all-inclusively change, especially on democractic social justices, fairness, social equality and equity for all tribes and cultures in NIGERIA politically!

    That is the main and real restructuring that, we the well-meaning Nigerians citizenry across the country NIGERIA and in diaspora, are ungently democratically calling for, not otherwise!

  3. This is the voice of a wise man. Sovereign national conference, where citizens will elect their representatives is the solution. Not the type of conference where a political party selected her members and secrete disciples.

  4. God given Republic Of Biafra of the five south east states deadline with the political name Nigeria is October 1st 2017. Deadline to hand over all the barracks in God given Biafraland of the five south east states to Biafran officers is August 31. 2017. God Is With Us!!!

  5. Unongo is deliberately being obtuse. But of course we know him. Truth has never been his forte. Restructuring does not mean war. It means equity, justice; it means removing those social distortions where through the use of force by their military elite a section of the country has cornered 90% of the common weal and is holding desperately to it; it means building a nation where no man is oppressed; and it means removing those discriminations that frustrate and excite people into thinking of separation. The earlier we tell ourselves the truth and assiduously seek a remedy the better it will be for the country. Playing the ostrich or seeking to screen the truth with verbosity and lies may eventually lead to that which should be mostly avoided: the disaster which war brings. Let’s make no mistake about it, a war in Nigeria today will affect every nook and cranny. It won’t be like it was in Biafra were battle lines were drawn and the Igbo were fell upon, starved and massacred. A war in Nigeria today will make every place however remote a Battle front.

  6. Unongo, all your gallivanting in dismissing Jonathan’s peaceful and well represented and issue based agreements in consensus on majority of the contentious issues is because Jonathan is a Southerner and that he did not use the Military Decree called 1999 Constitution made written by few Northern soldiers with their handful of boys if at from the South. You think that a Constitution of Nigeria must be made by Northerners in power. There is no way selection of members of any Sovereign Conference would be done using the existing Decree of the North.The best anybody can do is to go back to drawing board when we started this Country. You jokingly mentioned that the North was more populous than the South without reference to your basis of determining that. Was it the Census Fiat of the Northern Military or what? You are talking of another National Debate as if you want a chaos and in the process we retain the status Quo, where an elected president will unilaterally exclude two geographic areas against the Federal Character provision of the Decree called Constitution, muscle and intimidate the Legislature from impeaching him based on that violation by threatening them with CCB trial. The president should first be impeached to show people that the Decree called 1999 Constitution is working before considering using it as the basis for selecting representation at any Conference

  7. It’s sad that an elder could also be used as stooges or errand man against the collective interests of his people who, for decades have been religated to 2nd class citizens in Northern Region. It’s imperative to remind Elder Paul Unongo & his cohorts that presnt demand by many ethnic groups, patriotic elder states men & well meaning Nigerians,for holistic Restructuring of Nigeria or the non- violent & peaceful agitation for Soverign State of Biafra by Ndi- Igbo in line with United Nations Charter on peoples Right to self determination. In collective move to end the many years of delibrate maginalization & exclusion of the entire South East zone by subsequent fed Govts from development,appointments into sensitive fed institutions, including the Security services since the end of War against the Ibos, aided & actively fought by the British Colonialists, Primarily due to their selfish economic interests in Nigeria, One wonders if this peaceful move mounts to call for War,as insinuated by Paa Paul Unongo. Paa Paul should pls, tell Northern youths what benefits the Almajiris,the girls, Children out of schls roaming the streets of North have got from the large population of the North,in terms of education,skill accquisition or empowerment frm the ruling Conservatives in the North.Only to be recruited as thugs during election Campaigns & willings tools to be hired for stage managed protests. While the Childern of the elites & politicians were either studing in Overseas or in the comforts of their parents houses, while the the Children of the poor & maginalized are left behind as 2nd class citizens in mist of plenty. In sharp contrast to what late elder States men,like Paa Aminu Kano,Paa Joseph Tarkar ,Chief Dabo & other Middle Beltner -s fought against,till their demises. Thank God the present generation of Northern youths are highly educated & have traveled out to determine what’s needed for their economic empowerement, the general interests of the entire Northern Region,Never to be used & dumped any longer by the conservatives in the North!

  8. Paul Unongo need to be corrected. Land mass is not people and the claim that the north has the highest population is share hocus-pocus. What is the composition? Malians, Nigeriens, Sudanese, Chadians etc. We often talk about the government of the people, by the people and for the people- we mean Nigerians first and not the preponderance of foreigners in the North. Unongo should be thinking about the future of his Benue people just as the Sultan is advocating for the building of more dams for his people. With restructuring the Fulanis will no longer slaughter his Benuelites with impunity. Restructuring does not mean secession but redesign of administrative framework of our federation to ensure fairness, hard-work, equity, development, propitiation and recompense.

    1. Yes Onoga’s people are second class citizens in northern Nigeria (No! They are forth class citizens after Niger Republic and Yoruba Muslims.) But he is here helping their slave master nail the final nails to their coffin! He pretends not to know what restructuring means. He claims that Jonathan invited his friends – Surprises me if he is saying that GEJ knew more than one-third of those delegates!!!!!

  9. What law under this sun says that you should engage in a war-fare when people decide they dont want to be part of an abysmal dysfunctional contraption called a country. Everyday, northern Nigeria elements keep on reminding south-easterners in action, deeds, and words they were defeated in a war. May we ask: The war fought by who? By a combined forces of Britain, Russia, Egypt, Some Arab countries, the rest of other Nigerians, etc. against a tiny people, of few millions of people.

    The fact that after 50years of the civil war, another war is looming on the same issues that caused the first one shows that those provocative issues have not been addressed. Pa Unongo, 1960 is not 2017. All these things that make northern Nigeria think they have which makes them to talk tough at all times and wanting to have their detrimental ways at all times, at all costs, may fail and disappoint them hereafter. Living on past glory is living in a fools paradise.

    If northern Nigeria feel that their population is more than the entire country put together, why are they now afraid to have their own country? You can not force people to live together as one in a marriage, how much more in a country. Nigeria must never be one again. that is the final decision of people of my generation and it is final.

    If northern Nigerians are afraid of holistic restructuring of the country as being canvassed by the masses of the people of the country, and they are ill-disposed to the conference organized by the past Jonathan govt, what makes them think, that southern Nigeria will accept this Sovereign National Conference they want to stage-manage, and manipulate to their OWN whims and caprices.

    The earlier northern Nigerians start thinking of having a country of their own the better for them, otherwise, this constant threat of war against our people for wanting to be on their own is becoming unbearable that in not a distant time, we may decide that all of us will perish. We dont want a country with northern Nigerians any more. Time will make you to understand this fact. PERIOD!

  10. Restructuring does not mean WAR. If you build a house it will serve you. However, if after sometimes the house doesn’t serve you well because of larger family members or something, if you are viable enough, you will want to build a bigger house or restructure the existing house to accommodate your house hold COMFORTABLY. Nigeria was built by the founding father on certain principles but the military destroyed these principles and imposed their world on us which the 1979 constitution represented. The economic principles of that constitution is premised on SHARING THE NATIONAL CAKE AND NOT ON BAKING THE NATIONAL CAKE. State and local government creation was initially based on viability but later based on this principle of SHARING. This is the reason why we are going down as a country. But Nigeria is very VIABLE but not as she is presently arranged institutionally. The first step In my considered opinion is Nigerians to have a change of mind -set from SHARING TO BAKING PRINCIPLES. This also calls for DEVOLUTION OF POWER which to me is the same thing as Restructuring. For a start, let states that can generate power and distribute same to their people do so. Adjust Revenue Formula. States should keep 50% of their Value Added Tax. Yes a few states may have initial advantage but this will bring positive competition which is the hallmark of progress and development.

  11. Unongo, restructuring includes rejection of national grassing of land by herdsmen who kill your tribes people everyday.

  12. Dr. Paul Wantaren Unongo is indeed an opportunist,who through out his adult lives has been
    reaping where he didn’t sow.
    He is indeed a typical willing-tool of the power-that-be,(the Caliphate of Sokoto). and he is wont therefore,to insist upon the maitenance of the current status quo of Hausa/Fulani Islamic Hegemony in the polity.
    This fawning reprobate and a damned upstart is not only in denial, but he is also scared of spilling the apple cart.
    To him the call by the oppressed people of Nigeria for the restructuring the country, and the legitimate quest of Biafrans for their self-determination are both declarations of war.
    But aren’t the Boko Haram Jihadists,the Fulani herdsmen and Militias waging wars gainst us
    Indigenous Nigerians?
    Neither IPOB nor MASSOB go about their agitations for the restoration our Sovereign State of
    Biafra by violence or using of weapons against the State.They are peaceful and not bellicose bout it.
    Come to think about it,our Bristish Colonial Masters had carved up Nigeria into East,North and
    Western Regions,with 12,14 and 9 Provinces respectively. Mathematically,the ratio here is 2 for the North and 3 for the South.
    Then came those illiterate Hausa/Fulani Military bandits,despots and rogue usurpers of power,who ran a relay of governing the country for decades and at the exclusion of Southern Christians.
    They went out their ways to restructuring the country into 20 States for North and 17 States for the
    South,with 419 and 365 Local Government Areas respectively.
    That Lagos State with a population of over 15 millions has 17 LGAs only, as compared with Kano
    State,(which has a population estimated at about 4 millions),has 44 LGAs, is an unacceptable fraud and an insults to our collective intelligence.
    Mallam Paul Onongo does evoke the Constitution and National Assemblies,forgetting that our
    so called Constitution is a hand-down Constitution to the country,by the Caliphate of Sokoto through
    one of its Crown Princes,Gen.Abubakar Abdulsalami.
    Furthermore,owing to the gobbledy-gook Federal Charaacter cum Quota-System as provided by
    Gen .Abdulsalami’s Constitution,the North has a quorum in Senate as well as in the House of
    That also explains why for every 3 Nigerian Soldiers and 3 Police Officers,2 are Northerners.
    Thus,the above mentioned imbalances created by those illiterate Hausa/Fulani bandits and rogue usurpers of power must be corrected for equity, fairness and juctice sake.
    That is what restructuring is all about.
    Nonetheless,real power must be devolved to our various Geo-Political Units with of couse a 100%
    resource control.That is called,true Federalism or rather Fiscal Federalism jare!
    Not to the status quo ante bellum!
    Down with Hausa/Fulani Islamic Hegemony!!
    All Hail Biafra,the Land of the Rising Sun!!!

  13. War to defend existence securities and freedom of a people is not evil, but legitimate remedy for existence securities and freedom of a people. Without 1945 war victory, present world would have been in slavery, President Obama rightly said while receiving peace nobel prize, that some issue are only handle with war. The only condition that will prevent Biafran bloody engagement of BIAFRAN REVOLUTION WAR, are clear: political poor northern bandits in the name of Nigeria have to hand over all barracks in the God given Biafraland of the five south east states to Biafran officers before August 31. 2017, and God given Republic Of Biafra of the five south east states deadline with the political name Nigeria is October 1st 2017. Biafran bloody engagement of BIAFRAN REVOLUTION WAR is legitimate remedy for existence securities and freedom of Igbos of Biafra in this 21st century world. War that is evil is the one poor northern bandits and their collaborators were involved 1967-1970, in which their mission was very clear till date, even in their song: let’s go, let’s go, let’s go and plunder the land and property that belong to nobody. They have plundered it and nickname it National Cake etc. 50 years long with nothing to show for it- Igbos of Biafra remain the best and controls the economy etc., the bandits remain poor in their mud houses etc. as Atiku rightly put it. God the source of knowledge and wisdom, the owner of this world and everything in it, have remember them- the poor northern bandits- it is judgement day, it October 1st 2017 God given Republic Of Biafra deadline with the political name Nigeria, it August 31. 2017 deadline to hand over all the barrack in God given Biafraland of the five south east states to Biafran officers. God Is With Us!!!

  14. What a JOOMBO COMBO story from Unongo. I can see that you’re indirectly pleading to us to stay together as one people but you kept on prostituting and lying always. I am tired of these lies and i’m going to my father land. Leave me to go, is all over. You must not forget that there was one of you, Maitama Sule who sat on that evil forum called Northern Elders Forum and what did he said about Biafra? He said Biafra will not work and what happened to him? Now, I’m asking you to wake him from his grave to repeat that again? I mean, where is he now to determine whether Biafra will work or not. Look, let me tell you, no one decide for God. The greatest mistake you made was to rush before Buhari live Broadcast on Monday Morning. Foolish man.

  15. Republic Of Biafra is a project 1967-1970 lay the foundation. Biafra was never defeated- it was bloody engagement ceasefire in 1970, and the war did not end in 1970- this is the climax of the 50 years war- which God has given Biafra victory and deadline with the political name Nigeria is October 1st 2017. Ojukwu’s idea of Biafra territory was the whole of eastern region which majory of pressent south south did not support, that is why God given Republic Of Biafra of 2017 in 21st century world is the five south east states which fought for Biafran foundation in 1967-1970 and majority democratically in a referendum by sit-at-home decided for it in 2017 and will defend it with as many bloody engagement as it takes as far as existence securities and freedom of Igbos of Biafra under God given Republic Of Biafra is concerned. God given Republic Of Biafra of the five south east states fully support Niger Delta Republic. God Is With Us!!!

  16. It is the northerners that ve been brandishing war as a weapon of intimidation and instilling fear on the advocates of restructuring. So, the north is afraid of itself. They are afraid to lose the enormous advantages they ve been enjoying fostered by the prolonged military government’s. All that we advocates of restructuring are asking for is a return to fiscal federalism. To restructure the country for development and progress. If during census your state claim it has 100m people, fine, that number will be used to assess tax payment, not 100m people to enable you grab oil money. Simple. We ve to start doing things right in this country. That is the only way this country can move forward. Nobody wants to fight another war.

  17. @Ikemba, God given Republic Of Biafra of the five south east states is fully ready and fully armed to defend existence securities and freedom of Igbos of Biafra which deadline with the political name Nigeria is October 1st 2017- poor northern bandits are afraid of bloody engagement because they know Biafra is ready to strike and crush them and they cant stand Biafran fire. If you are not ready to defend yourself in this world, you will be a slave. Any Igbo man or woman who do not stand for the God given Republic Of Biafra of the five south east states, must vacate Biafraland now and will never have rights of Biafran citizenship. God Is With Us!!!

  18. The said Unongo should know it is not about presenting Biafra better than Ojukwu, it is about advancing Biafra Ojukwu presented in 1967, base on advancement of humanity in 21st century world- which we have done and will defend it with whatever it takes, from October 1st 2017. God It With Us!!!

  19. The said arewa youths should know the fact that only those who have teeth bite, not toothless bulldogs. No one can bite God given Republic Of Biafra of the five south east states, no one can stand on the way of God given Republic Of Biafra of the five south east states. On the other hand, God given Republic Of Biafra of the five south east states is not about troublemaking, it is democratic decision of majority Igbos in a referendum by sit-at-home from 2004 to date and its defence. Troublemakers are Kanu with ipob group who want land of south south, Benue etc. which are not part of God given Republic Of Biafra of the five south east states. God Is With Us!!!

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