
Police foil militants’ bomb attack on Oko Prison in Benin, arrest 4 suspects

 Tony Osauzo, Benin
Attempt by suspected‎ militants to bomb the Oko prison in Benin City to free some kidnappers remanded in the facility‎ was at weekend foiled.
Consequently, security within and around the prison has been beefed up.
It was learnt that Special police detective squad reportedly acted on intelligence report and swung into action in an operation described as “Pre-emptive arrest” to apprehend the militants.
Residents living around the prison were said to heard loud sound of gun fire said to be part of security measures by prison official on their preparedness to repel any attack.
Sources said the militants had planned to launch a dynamite attack on the Prison with a view to releasing some hardened convicts and those standing trial.
It was further gathered that the kidnappers of the Managing Director of Zoological Garden, Andy Ehanire in Benin City three years ago during which 4 policemen were killed, were  targeted to be freed by the militants.
Meanwhile, the Police have arrested four suspects who were said to have  made confessional statement about their mission.
The Edo State Commissioner of Police  Dan Mallam Mohammed, who confirmed the incident, said some arrest have been made and that the police are on the trail of other suspects.

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