Paper Ad Rate

We have increased our advert rate to serve you better

Terms of Advert Placement

1. Copy Date: Minimum of 3 days within and outside Lagos

2. All adverts must be prepaid.

3. Series discount payable at the end of the campaign

4. For any cancellation of adverts, 24 hours notice will be required. Request for refund will not be accepted once an advert is published.

5. Also, 24 hours notice will be required for any alteration in the design or date of advert publication. Once the advert is published, request for a make good will not be entertained.

6. The Management of The Sun Publishing Limited reserves the right to reject an advert or any publication in any of its titles where such materials are considered to be distasteful for public exposure or libellous contents.

For further enquiries, call: Technical Specifications Materials are to be sent as CTP output ready files only. It can also be sent as standard pdf, CorelDraw, or jpeg files on CMYK format. Image size: width 9.5″ x height 13.5″

PHILIP NWOSU on +2348056180028 (WhatsApp and calls)

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