
Masses groans in hunger, Salis tells Tinubu

By Zika Bobby

The United States-based lawyer and 2019 governorship candidate, High Chief Owolabi Salis, has expressed agitation on the soaring cost of foodstuffs in the country, noting that the poor are groaning under the draconian yoke of acute hunger, misery, and squalor.
Salis lamented that over a year since the advent of the present administration, the high cost of foodstuff had been the familiar song of intensely serious concern by the suffering Nigerian populace.
Despite the agitation for a lasting solution, he noted, the food crisis had been getting worse with every passing day.
He lamented: “While it would have been at least tolerable if things had remained as bad as it was, the situation as presently being witnessed at this particular moment in time, however, goes beyond the bound of tolerance, to say the least. Given the increasingly high cost of foodstuff which is fast getting out of the reach of the grossly marginalised poor, things should not continue this way to avert the disastrous consequences.
“Any government which is unable to provide food and medical care for its citizens, especially the hungry poor, would grossly be failing in this most primary responsibility of government to the masses.
“But one is intensely surprised that under-privileged poor Nigerians are being driven to the farm but ironically, the government had been hitherto not proactive in fulfilling their side of the bargain.”
“The ravaging onslaught of the Fulani herdsmen who had perpetually ostracized farmers from their land, making their farms a no-go zone to them through an unabated spree of savage killing and kidnapping has continued without let or hindrance. Moreover, the soaring inflationary spiral which had sky-rocketed the cost of pesticides and fertilisers to high heaven has not been tackled to any appreciable effect.”

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