
Gwoza suicide attack signs to end of terrorism – DHQ

From Molly Kilete, Abuja

The Defence Headquarters)DHQ), has attributed the June, 29, suicide bomb attacks in Gwoza Local Government Area of Borno State, as an indication of an “ending cycle of terrorism”.

Recalled that the bombings left 38 dead and scores of others sustain various degrees of injuries.

At a media briefing organized by the Strategic Communication Inter-agency Policy Committee held at police force headquarters in Abuja? Director, Defence Media Operations(DMO), Major General Edward Buba, said the terrorists who have been totally decimated with their strongholds bombarded and destroyed carried out the attack to get attention, and to reduce support for security agencies.

He therefore called on Nigerians not to fall for their tricks and lose confidence in the armed forces and security agencies.

Buba, said that , “In associating what has happened with our operations, I will say that what has happened in Gwoza is what happens at the ending cycle of terrorism. At this phase, the terrorists are carrying out their acts to do what? One is to attract attention, then to bolster relevance, then to mobilize support, and finally to reduce support for the armed forces and the Nigerian government at large. I will use this opportunity to tell citizens to stand united. ”

“We must continue to place our trust in the security agencies across the country and continue to support the security forces in overcoming the security challenges that we are facing. ”

Gen. Buba, while noting that the country was in the state of war and that such ugly incidents happen during war, said, “I will say that we should all know that we are in a state of war because, in a situation where you are involved in counter-terrorism, with our troops deployed all across the length and breadth of this country in various theatres, there is no other way to describe it than a state of war. Now, when you’re at war, ugly things happen, and that is what has happened in Gwoza. ”

Answering journalists question on the outcry on the establishment of Nigerian Army School of Islamic Affairs, Buba said the military also has a chaplain school for both Christian and Islamic religions, just as he noted that being a military personnel was not an avenue to be an atheist.

He said, “Why does the military have a School of Islamic Affairs? I will tell you that the military does not only have the School of Islamic Affairs, we also have the Chaplain School. Being military men does not make us not to be spiritually inclined. They say that life is spiritual.

“Things start from the spiritual before we see them in the physical. We in the military are also aware of that, so we pray. We pray according to our religion, be it Christian or Islam.

“And what is the purpose of a school? It’s to develop and build capacity. So if you want somebody to go and preach to others, he should know what he’s preaching about. He should be able to read the scriptures from one point to the other in whatever religion so that he can communicate that breakdown to the troops and build their faith.”

Speaking On the achievements of the security agencies in the month of June, Force Public Relations Officer, OlumuMuyiwa Adejobi, said the military operations in the month of June led to the killing of 867 terrorists and arrest of 1,638 suspected terrorists and other criminals.

He said, “In summary, military operations by the armed forces in June 2024 neutralized 867 terrorists, arrested 1,638 suspected terrorists and other criminal elements as well as rescued 921 kidnapped hostages. Furthermore, troops recovered 894 weapons, 21,538 ammunition and denied the oil theft of an estimated sum over N5bn.”

Adejobi, who maintained that law enforcement agencies in joint collaboration have been proactive in maintaining law and order amidst the ongoing security challenges across the country, said “Law enforcement agencies have arrested a total of 2,678 suspects for various offences across the country in the month of June. A total number of 93 kidnap victims have been rescued unhurt and reunited with their families, and a total number of 144 firearms and 3031 ammunition have been recovered within the period under review.”

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