
Edo govt opens more rural communities, inspects 13.22km roads to boost food productions

From Ighomuaye Lucky, Benin

In order to tackle the issue of acute foods shortages and create easy access from the rural communities to the city, the Edo State government, yesterday, inspected the ongoing reconstruction and rehabilitations of 13.22km roads in Iguobazuwa and Usen community, both in Ovia South West Local Government Area of the state.

Addressing journalists during a routine check of the Iguobazuwa Hospital road which is 2.05km, fully asphalted, the Commissioner for Roads and Bridges, Engr. Ethan Uzamere, said the road will boost the economic activities of the community and by extension, the state’s Gross Domestic Products (GDP).

“As you can see, this road leads to different farms and also leads to a General Hospital. There is also a few religious centres around here but also a big residential community in this area.

“So, it actually opens up the inner streets of the community.

“The roads comprise 2.05km Iguobazuwa hospital road, 7.1km Usen Okoro (reconstruction and rehabilitation), 1.45km Okemola road, and 2.5km Ugboguiyi road, making up the 13.22km roads cumulatively”, Uzamere said.

Uzamere further blamed the issues of failed portion on man made activities and which must be checked collectively.

“One of the issues affecting our roads are external factors. Coming now, you see that most of the reasons are because of borrow pits.

“People are taking sand from the pit and this is actually making our roads to fail. It is very important to know who did these borrow pits miners get their licenses from?

“They get their licenses through the federal government and some times, not even the state government is aware.

“They deal with the community directly. So, it is very important for us as a ministry to let the people of the locality know the effects of the mining activities. It is actually going to affect their community land because you can see a lot of gullies, the gullies will eventually, if we don’t do certain things now.

“You are seeing a lot of erosion around the states. It is not just Edo but around Nigeria. One of the major reasons where we have this issue it is actually man made but with proper planning and organizations, we can see how we can control some of these issues.

“The effects of those borrow pits have caused us three times of the amount of which is going to cost now, Edo State has to bear that cost”, Uzamere added.

The Commissioner assured the people of the state that the present administration will not leave any project uncompleted and that perhaps if there is any undone, the next administration will continue from where they have stopped.

” I am optimistic that most of these roads will be completed before the end of this administration.

“The projects we are doing is not personal. It is for the people. I know the people that this road is affecting will also cry to the next government that they should continue with the project”, Uzamere added

Caption: The Hon. Commissioner for Roads and Bridges Engr Ethan Uzamere inspecting some of the ongoing road projects in Usen in Ovia South West Local Government Area of the state yesterday

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