
Borno bombings response to recent military successes — DHQ

Buba says terrorist leadership has been decapitated

By Kachi Ekile

The Director of Defence Media Operations, Major General Edward Buba, has stated that the recent bombings in Borno by terrorists were a response to the military’s recent successes in the fight against insurgency.

Per a Channels report, Buba who spoke on Tuesday noted that the bombings show that Nigeria is receding into a state of war.

According to him, the leadership of the terrorists has been “decapitated”, with their resources depleted.

“Given that we are in a state of war, it must be recognised that this despicable act is a response to recent successes in ongoing military operations. Indeed, our recent operations have decapitated the leadership of the terrorists, depleted their resources, reduced their support base, and reduced their influence,” Buba said.

Speaking further, he disclosed that the terror attacks comprised of multiple Person Bourne Improvised Explosive Device ( PBIED), otherwise known as suicide bombings.

Buba shared that following the bombings, a curfew was immediately put in place by military troops to ensure that residents of the community would stay indoors to forestall further casualties.

“The third explosion targeted the troops enforcing the curfew. The troops were attacked from behind by a third lady strapped with an IED vest. The blast killed a soldier and two members of hybrid forces.

“The fourth incident was averted when the suspect was identified early enough and she detonated the bomb prematurely whereby she became the only casualty. On the whole, 20 persons were killed while 52 sustained various degrees of injuries and received treatment.”


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