
2027 elections: Obi Meets LP stakeholders for reconciliation

...calls for unity of purpose

From Idu Jude, Abuja

To start early preparations towards the 2027 presidential campaign and elections, and in offering Nigerians the dividend of true democracy, Peter Gregory Obi, Labour Party presidential flag bearer in the 2023 general election, has called on party stakeholders to reconcile their differences and save the party from political calamity.

Obi, who made the plea Thursday in Abuja, shortly after a reconciliation meeting with the party National Transition Committee NTC led by Abdulwaheed Omar, emphasized the need for unity of purpose in the party, hence the agenda for 2027.

Recall that on Tuesday, June 25, Obi volunteered to bring all aggrieved party stakeholders under one umbrella for the common purpose of offering Nigerians the dividend of true Democracy.

He said that the issue of party internal crises is a family affair that must be resolved internally.

“By so doing we should be able to offer to Nigerians what they deserve. We would like to have a party where we would start caring about what concerns Nigerians.

“Nigerians did not expect us as politicians to be preoccupied by party wranglings. They want us to be preoccupied with issues that affect Nigerians, which are the health, the children’s education, the food and pulling people out of poverty. because we can’t have up to 30 million people who face hunger and more people being thrown into poverty and we are preoccupied with party wranglings. So we are going to resolve whatever issue in the Labour Party family and focus on what we are expected as politicians. Don’t forget we are public servants and must focus on the people.”

Obi further reminded that the party is only being distracted by those in authority who do not want the progress of the party.

Meanwhile, Obi has assured that the Labour Party remains the hope that many Nigerian children crave and must give back to them by ensuring the stability of peace.

On the outcome of the meeting with the LPNTC, Obi said, “We have deliberated on what I think is their side of the story.

“I have listened and we shall go on consulting with all sides to reach an agreement on how to move on”, he stated.

The former Governor of Anambra State remarked that he will continue to play the leadership role in ensuring that all aggrieved members are brought under one roof.

He, however, did not mention a specific period to resolve the already-escalated crises but has the belief that the crises must be resolved and the party back on track before the 2027 elections process begins.

Responding to the likelihood of external forces destabilizing the party, he said, “Whether external or internal forces, we will resolve our family problems, in 2019, this kind of crisis did not surface in the Labour Party just because they did not have a presidential candidate. Like I said, we will resolve it not just for the Labour Party, but for the general interest of all Nigerians.

Also speaking, the Chairman of the Labour Party National Transition Committee (LPNTC) Comrade Abdulwaheed Omar, said that the reason for the reconciliation meeting was the instance of Peter Obi, who after the incident of 25th June, promised to hold a peace and reconciliation meeting with all aggrieved party stakeholders.

“As the leader of the party, he promised to do this and as you can see, discussions have commenced and are ongoing.”

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