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“You can laugh Jaz, I don’t care but those two have made my life unnecessarily complex!”

Is it me or is there so much tension and anger going around. The economy is not smiling oh. 

Jasmine sauntered in on Thursday, looking a bit discomfited. “I can’t believe Christopher (if you are not already aware, Christopher is Jasmine’s ‘toy’ boyfriend as Zara calls him) wants his friend to stay with us for God knows how long,” she said with a pout. Apparently they had entertained a good deal in the last few weeks; much of the time had also been passed in various forms of mild dissipation. She was looking forward to a period of unbroken rest and undisturbed tete-a-tete with Christopher, when he informed her that a friend was coming to stay a week or two. This was a man she had heard much of but never seen. He had been Christopher’s college friend; now a Lecturer! She had subconsciously formed an image of him in her mind. She pictured him tall, slim, cynical; with eye-glasses, and his hands in his pocket. Christopher was slim enough, tall and not very cynical; neither did he wear eyeglasses nor carry his hands in his pockets. She could not explain satisfactorily to herself why she didn’t like Christopher’s friend after meeting him, although she did not discover in him any of those brilliant and promising traits which Christopher had assured her that he possessed. On the contrary, he sat rather mute and receptive before her chatty eagerness to make him feel at home and in the face of Christopher’s frank and wordy hospitality. His manner was as courteous as only the most exacting woman could require; but he made no direct appeal for her approval or esteem. ‘This is what I call living,’ he would utter with deep satisfaction, as the air that swept across caressed him with its warm and scented velvety touch. “It pleases him also to get on familiar terms with the neighbours and you know how much I hate that!” Jasmine said petulantly. His personality puzzled her but I could see that she liked him. “So what is the commotion?” I asked in amusement. “Commotion!” she said in hot resentment. “Nonsense! How can you say such a thing? Commotion, indeed! “Jasmine from all you have said, the poor fellow is run down by overwork. I guess that’s why Christopher asked him over to take a rest. Stop fussing!” I said laughing

“Enough of me Tobs! What’s up with you?” Jasmine asked. I hear Rick and Dennis are not in town. No wonder your life has been a bit quiet,” Jasmine teased me as she laughed. “You can laugh Jaz, I don’t care but those two have made my life unnecessarily complex. I am just glad I have some respite,” I said with a gentle sigh.

“I almost forgot Jasmine!” I exclaimed, looking contrite. “Guess who I ran into at the shopping Mall?” I asked unable to contain my excitement. “Mandisa!” I remembered her from our summer camp in London. I asked my Secretary to usher her in when she came to see me later the same day but from the moment she walked in, I knew something was wrong. “Thanks for accepting to see me Tobs, I have been living in hell,” Mandisa said then she broke down. I want you to publish my story Tobs so others will learn from my mistakes. Her story in her own words…

“I was undecided about putting this story down but I realise that if I don’t tell anyone, I am not helping myself, moreover how do I get help when I can’t talk about it. My friends are in the dark and so are my parents. My husband and I are South Africans and we met some years ago. I am tall, dark and extremely beautiful with a fantastic shape

In fact, that is what attracted my husband to me. My name is Mandisa, I schooled in England and it was during my A-Level I met Lesedi. Lesedi was wonderful, full of life and zest. We had a frolicking time but too soon the fun was over. I often wonder if that was not the only time I was truly happy. You see I married my husband because of his money!

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